Forum Discussion

nyinvit9c9gw's avatar
New Traveler
4 months ago

Galactic Challenges Are Ruined

Need I say more.

Putting two of the four feats behind a pay wall was a way to get those of us who used to buy things from you to stop doing so.

Why would anyone want to spend money for obscure characters just to get better scores?

The only reason most of us are here is because we are Star Wars fans, so the staple characters are fun for us to collect and play. And we don’t mind paying a bit here and there to improve them.

But the idea of us paying that much money on characters we don’t care about just so we might be able to get some upgrades for characters we do care about is sticking your thumb in the eyes of your base.

You offer nothing for being able to beat the highest tier. Instead you require that we use a single weak character that never gets a turn with powerful characters all around them, to battle an extremely weak team.

So gone are the days of trying to figure out how far you can get with a mix of characters.

Instead of taking away from those of us who pay from time to time, why don’t you offer something different for those who will pay for everything you throw in front of them.

A fan based game isn’t going to be any fun for the big spenders if your fans play less and less, or stop playing and spending all together.

Put it back.


9 Replies

  • I’ve been this game since it rolled out. First they went GAC centric, next the datacron fiasco, now this latest downgrade.  I don’t make California game programmer money, so I think I’m done with the game.

  • I am going to still play for now, in hopes they fix this, but I am not going to spend any money on something so broken.

     I was always pleased when I could figure out a way to get the highest box, or the highest I could.

    Now they want us to pay for just way too much.

    Our crystal income is gone too.

    They really screwed us, and now I wish I had my money back.

  • auburnjr38's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    4 months ago

    Sadly, CG does not care about its players and this last update shows that. They are going too far towards p2p and that is why they will continue to screw us. I’m done buying anything and they will most likely push a lot of us away.

  • 3dp6nxt0qht4's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    4 months ago

    Every update gets me closer and closer to deleting this game. The GC paywall is the biggest spit in the face I’ve seen in a while though. It’s hard finding much of any joy in this game anymore. The end is near. Closer than I might be willing to admit too. 

  • Im on a fence here. When we had GCs we had 4 omis a week on t8 reached? Ive now had 5 omis since it launched (i think 5) but i think its a change of mindset to think monthly or whatever to twice weekly. I think those who do everything day in day day out wont see any reduction, those who pop in just for GCs on monday and thursday to get the omis will get a shock.

    Now. Im not judging or saying right or wrong, i wamt everyone to have a good and balanced reward system.

  • Conveniently leaving out the fact that Dailies apply to the Omicron farm and you've technically lost nothing...

    All they did was make dailies replace those feats and then reduced the playtime of those who don't buy the new characters. The two new prestige feats are for paying customers. You, and apparently everyone on this forum, are conflating not doing all feats with lost rewards, which is wrong.

    So, not only do you not have to max every GC to get the rewards now, but you get to save time on the prestige feats you don't have to complete.

    And you're beta testing Conquest Feat tracking...

  • crzydroid's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    4 months ago

    I think there is something to be said for the visibility of it and morale though. Previously, you might find a way to accomplish all feats. Congratulations, you've beaten the challenge. Now, it's,  "Can you challenge yourself to pay $20 a month? Can you accomplish the feat of maxing a marquee character right away?"

    It's just a bad look to call these things "challenge feats" when they are literally just spend money. There's not any sense of accomplishment. Additionally, the optics of it are that previously, f2p could accomplish all four, and not you stare at the challenge and half are going to be incomplete just because. That affects the psyche. It won't matter as much for new players who didn't know the old system, but it's understandable to see why people are upset. 

    I'm hoping that the ability to spend episode tokens on whatever you want can offset the apparent loss of rewards, especially to loss of shard shop currency due to changes to other events and structures. I think that at least was a nice change to raid rewards. Time will tell if the change here is nice as well. Although I for one don't equate two pieces of gold gear on the same level as an omicron mat, so we'll have to see if the prices make up for the loss of shards shop currency in actuality. Someone has probably already done the math. 

  • DarthJobbie's avatar
    Rising Veteran
    4 months ago

    I am in complete agreement, feats shouldnt be paywall feats. Also agree that time will tell over rewards given.

  • DarthJobbie's avatar
    Rising Veteran
    4 months ago

    Dont buy the new stuff, yet we hear moans of people complaining about the cost but yet bought the new reward track.  Dont buy EA or CG or whoever will get the point if you DONT BUY! Its not rocket science, you think the mods/CG are counting how many people are quitting, get over yourself, there will be more buying for LSBs as released at same time, those threatening to quit is nothing but empty threats and CG know it

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