Forum Discussion

Triminac9's avatar
7 years ago

Galactic War broken?

I've been playing this game for a few weeks and I just hit level 54. Just played a galactic war where the last node was all lvl 65, 4 to 5 stars, purple geared team consisting of vader, sidious, dooku, KRU, and SION. I'M LEVEL 54! my a team only has 3 gear 7s. I also apply strategies like suicide squads and know about retreat mechanics. I haven't been unable tk complete a galactic war for the past few weeks until today. I just feel like this might be a bug or needs fixing because after throwing literally every character in my roster I still cannot win. It is very frustating not earning my 400 tokens and rewards because of a ridiculous team
  • Once you get a bit higher level, you tend to always smash PW. I originally got Darth Nil to lead my sith team through the first sections with no damage....his leadership can keep a team of sith healthy against nearly all teams you see, with maybe a back up team of rebels (wedge lead) in case the sith get wiped out. Now I nearly always sim the whole thing unless I want to try new teams out.
  • You need to preload turn meter on the early easy nodes. If you are dead before your first turn, then either your toons or your mods are too weak.
  • War is broken because they insist on having their cake and eating it too. Oh protection and health don’t regenerate because it’s considered one instance? Why don’t bounty hunter payouts carry over then? They basically neuter some great teams with the B.S. setup of war. Either consider each node it’s own discreet battle or they’re considered a continuation but not both, that’s just dumb.
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