Forum Discussion

8878f9fe8ee9f492's avatar
Seasoned Novice
16 days ago

LSB Ideas - Discussion

Here are some of my LSB ideas. 

- Geo - 9.99 to 14.99
- Bad Batch 9.99 to 19.99
- Inquisitor - 24.99 to 39.99
- Jawas - 9.99 to 19.99
- Tusken - 19.99 to 24.99
- Solo film bundle - 19.99 to 24.99
- KOTOR bundle - 19.99 to 24.99 (if ALL non-journey-reward KOTOR toons included; no JKR or Drevan or Malak, but all of their requirements and the SW:GoH droid)

What LSBs are you interested in? 
What would you pay? 

  • There is already a Geo bundle for 14.99. It just hasn't come back yet. Hopefully it as well as the others come back for Christmas.
    They hinted at a Inquisitor Bundle.

    I would add Rogue One characters in that list as well as the rest of the Imperials for SEE.

  • dosman2233's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer

    Doctor Aphra bundle as well, containing her requirements, as she's been in the game for two years now

  • The bad batch and Inq would probably be closer to $50 to be realistic. Unless no ships can with it.

    Maybe sith bundle? I don't know the cost.  It would depend on what comes with it.

     Nihilus, sion, traya? $20

    Or Darth maul, sidious, dooku, Vader, talon, etc. $20

  • Luxray0's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    These prices are incredibly optimistic. IMO an inquisitor bundle will be as expensive if not more expensive than the Starkiller bundle. $50 minimum. They should bundle jawas and tuskens into a tatooine bundle and even then they are so bad I might not even buy it for $15. Bad batch would be somewhere between $25-50 for all the kyros. I think a SEE bundle for $20 with his bad reqs like tarkin, krennic, darth maul, darth sidious, dooku, royal guard could be coming. I would be surprised if they bundled the whole malak journey into a single bundle but it’s possible. Hopefully the pace of LSB slows down though. I don’t feel like giving CG money after this terrible update.