"Pandiano;c-1079537" wrote:
Wow, this thread becomes a pain in the **** to read.
Wild assumptions of who has and has not to be any- and everyones favorite character and/or medium. My impression is that most posters have a very limited perspective on the franchise and hate everything, that they have no knowledge of.
Reading books ist good for you. And I does indeed not hurt to pull ones head out of the own rear and realize that something is not only for kids, just because it is animated.
I read the Thrawn books and many others. I love the Rebels series and the Phoenix Squad and will use them ingame as I did for the last weeks successfully each day in GW with not having one not completed till then. Oh and I am 35 and my boy is still too young to watch SW with me.
Yes, I hoped for Thrawn, my favorite character. Or for Callus. But I'll get another of my well liked characters.
Everyone has their favorite, so let them be. And I think pointing those things out like:
- too many Rebels
- too many unused factions
- lack of gungan faction (this is the point where you lose your temper ;-))
- hard meta that is not diverse and can be boiled down to 3-5 characters
- to few rock/paper/turbolaser interactions
in a constructive and persistant way is endlessly more useful and mature than whining and spitting like a defiant five year old.
Can we do that? Or at least try? Pretty please?
This is peoples frustration speaking now. It would be great if disappointed, upset and angry people could be calm and composed. It would be better if there were no conflicts and wars in the real world. But sadly it doesn't work like that. You can be ignored,lied and disrespected so much until you reach a boiling point. To some this was the tipping point.
And also, yeah everybody has their favorites, and rebel fans got them 28 times already. They are the meta since August 2016. When will it be other faction turns?