Gamorrean Guard Possible Touch up again.
Another Idea to boost Gamorrean Guard without Datacrons. Yet I know CG won't do it. Not in their budget or time. But still fun to think about. Here is some of my Change Suggestions. So, he can be used in other Line Ups aside from possibly Jabba the Hutt. Of course, Ill list only the abilities that do get changed. I also added some synergy to Boba Fett, Scion of Jango since he had some Gamorrean Guards in the Book of Boba Fett. Also gave him a bit of a speed boost while under either Hutt Cartel or Boba Fett, Scion of Jango.
Muscle In:
Gamorrean Guard Taunts and gains Retribution and Tenacity Up for 2 turns. The Gamorrean Guard gains Protection equal to 20% of his Max Health every time he gains Taunt, stacking (Max 100%) until the end of the encounter.
Loyal Enforcer:
At the start of battle, Gamorrean Guard gains 10% Max Health for each other Hutt Cartel ally and a stack of My Kind of Scum. While he is active, enemies have -20% Tenacity.
If the ally in the Leader slot is Jabba the Hutt: While Gamorrean Guard has Defense Up, he gains 50% Critical Avoidance. Whenever Gamorrean Guard loses Taunt, he gains Defense Up for 2 turns and whenever Jabba uses a Special ability, if Gamorrean Guard is Taunting he recovers 20% Health. In addition, at the start of the encounter, Gamorrean Guard Taunts for 1 Turn which can't be dispelled or prevented. While Gamorrean Guard is Taunting Jabba the Hutt can't be targeted.
If the ally in the Leader slot is Hutt Cartel, whenever another Hutt Cartel ally falls below 70% Health while Gamorrean Guard has Defense Up, he Taunts and gains Protection Up (100%) for 2 turns. Gamorrean Guard has +50 Speed.
If Boba Fett, Scion of Jango is in the Leader Slot and all other allies are Scoundrel or Bounty Hunter Gamorrean Guard Taunts for 1 turn and gains +50 speed, 50% Counter Chance, +30% Health, Protection, and Defense.
While in Territory Battles: Gamorrean Guard has +50% Critical Avoidance, Defense, and Tenacity. Other Hutt Cartel allies have +50% Max Health and Max Protection. The first time each other Hutt Cartel ally falls below 50% Health, they gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. If the ally in the Leader slot is Hutt Cartel and not Gamorrean Guard, whenever they use an ability, Gamorrean Guard assists.