8 years ago
Gear challenge not awarding what it says it does?
Anyone else have this issue?
I absolutely love that we don't have to pick and choose between droid callers and hyposyringes now.
I DID notice twice that the challenge awarded me 4 hyposyringes but they didn't add to my inventory.
I was tracking them because I need a hyposyringe to get IG88 to G11.
Once I was already at 32 hyposyringe salvage. It awarded 4 but then it stilll showed only 32. I bought two energy refreshes and farmed another 4 from nodes bringing me to 36.
I still had two challenge attempts for the day at this point.
I did my two remaining challenges getting 4 hyposyringes each time but when I look at my inventory? It shows that I have 40.
This is quite frustrating as I went from being an energy refresh away from completing a syringe to still needing 10 more.
I absolutely love that we don't have to pick and choose between droid callers and hyposyringes now.
I DID notice twice that the challenge awarded me 4 hyposyringes but they didn't add to my inventory.
I was tracking them because I need a hyposyringe to get IG88 to G11.
Once I was already at 32 hyposyringe salvage. It awarded 4 but then it stilll showed only 32. I bought two energy refreshes and farmed another 4 from nodes bringing me to 36.
I still had two challenge attempts for the day at this point.
I did my two remaining challenges getting 4 hyposyringes each time but when I look at my inventory? It shows that I have 40.
This is quite frustrating as I went from being an energy refresh away from completing a syringe to still needing 10 more.