Im also blown away with how late the next conquest is getting. I know they addressed it somewhere on the forums, but honestly, I feel like this game is managed poorly sometimes. Timelines are not very clear or adhered to and now it will be 5+ days later than usual on getting our conquest pay outs, which at this point for me, is a good source of gear. Just not sure how they expect people to continue paying and or playing in some instances. Anyways, I appreciate everyone pitching in on this thread and giving their 2c. Its nice to know I'm not the only one. I also appreciate the mods chiming in here and there, although you are in a hard spot, you are fair with your assessments and replies to the community. Now if we could just get a few of these solutions implemented that would be amazing. See you all in 5 months when I finally have enough gear for SLKR.