8 years ago
Gear Update Maybe?
First time poster, long time player so I want to say first that the recent updates with regard to ease of game play like multi sims, screen navs etc were great. It did noticeably make playing the game more enjoyable so thanks devs.
I also liked the mod challenges, weekly heists and other challenges that force you to level and gear toons apart from a few meta ones. It opened the game up. However that has led to the following.
What my main frustration is with the game is the fact that it seems every character uses the same gear and there is a ton of gear I have collected sitting on the sidelines unused. I mean some items I have thousands of just sitting there and not a single character as far as I can tell has any need for it. I mean maybe Ugnaut uses it all or something, but he's one of a few I have not leveled. (I'm sure the same for most :) ).
It really had been bothering, but hit critical mass for me when in my third raid completion in a row I got nothing I could use. Nothing. I have quite a few characters unlocked and maxed level and decently geared so someone should be able to use some of it right? Not a single handcuff, security scanner, holo projector, bio implant, furnace or Holo lens.
Bad luck is bad luck. I get it. I'm not asking them to increase drop rates or add some of the higher gear to easily simmed nodes or anything. But can we spread out who uses what so not everyone needs 2 sets of cuffs and 2 sets of holo lens, etc. Maybe have some good characters use some of the other high level gear?
Also how about a crafting functionality? I have a ton of lower level stuff that looks like the root of some higher level gear. How about 10 or 20 of one root item can be converted to a higher level item? People will probably spend more money for more energy to sim the lower stuff to farm low level gear to create high level gear. Maybe require a binder agent? You get one per raid completion so it has some limit on how much gear is crafted. Just give me something to do with my locker full of junk.
I also liked the mod challenges, weekly heists and other challenges that force you to level and gear toons apart from a few meta ones. It opened the game up. However that has led to the following.
What my main frustration is with the game is the fact that it seems every character uses the same gear and there is a ton of gear I have collected sitting on the sidelines unused. I mean some items I have thousands of just sitting there and not a single character as far as I can tell has any need for it. I mean maybe Ugnaut uses it all or something, but he's one of a few I have not leveled. (I'm sure the same for most :) ).
It really had been bothering, but hit critical mass for me when in my third raid completion in a row I got nothing I could use. Nothing. I have quite a few characters unlocked and maxed level and decently geared so someone should be able to use some of it right? Not a single handcuff, security scanner, holo projector, bio implant, furnace or Holo lens.
Bad luck is bad luck. I get it. I'm not asking them to increase drop rates or add some of the higher gear to easily simmed nodes or anything. But can we spread out who uses what so not everyone needs 2 sets of cuffs and 2 sets of holo lens, etc. Maybe have some good characters use some of the other high level gear?
Also how about a crafting functionality? I have a ton of lower level stuff that looks like the root of some higher level gear. How about 10 or 20 of one root item can be converted to a higher level item? People will probably spend more money for more energy to sim the lower stuff to farm low level gear to create high level gear. Maybe require a binder agent? You get one per raid completion so it has some limit on how much gear is crafted. Just give me something to do with my locker full of junk.