7 years ago
General Kalani kit idea
With a Separatist rework comes a General Grievous rework, and with that comes my boy, General Kalani. One of the most interesting Tactical Droids during the Clone Wars, and one of the few to not be deactivated afterwards. If any of you have seen Rebels, you may remember General Kalani's episode. I love him so much, that I made a kit for him.
General Kalani: Dark Side, Droid, Separatist, Support
Attack Order: Call target ally to assist, dealing +50% more damage and inflicting expose for 1 turn. If this inflicts any debuffs and the target ally is a Droid, reduce the cooldown of Orbital Strike by 1 and gain stealth for 2 turns.
Orbital Strikes: Deal damage to all enemies and inflict potency down and tenacity down for 2 turns. While General Kalani is stealthed, Droid allies gain critical chance up and defense penetration up for 2 turns, and this attack cannot be evaded.
Calculated Estimate: All enemies gain target lock for 2 turns, are exposed for 2 turns, and lose 50% turn meter. These effects cannot be evaded. Droid allies gain speed up and stealth for 2 turns. If General Kalani is stealthed, Separatist allies recover 50% health and gain advantage for 3 turns.
Advanced Tactical Prowess: Separatist and Droid allies gain +50% potency and +25% critical chance. Droid and Separatist allies cannot be critically hit or stunned while they are buffed, and remove 30% turn meter on a critical hit, which cannot be resisted. Debuffed enemies cannot gain bonus turn meter while any Droid allies are active. Zeta: At the start of each encounter, all Droid and Separatist allies gain 10% turn meter, advantage for 1 turn, and all enemies gain ability block for 1 turn, which cannot be evaded or resisted.
No Assumptions: General Kalani gains +50% max health and critical avoidance equal to his potency percentage. If General Kalani is damaged while stealthed, he recovers 5% protection and 10% health. Zeta: These percentages are doubled if he is damaged by a Galactic Republic or Rebel enemy. Separatist and Droid allies recover half those amounts when either he or they are damaged.
Target Locked enemies cannot attack out of turn while General Kalani is active.
General Kalani: Dark Side, Droid, Separatist, Support
Attack Order: Call target ally to assist, dealing +50% more damage and inflicting expose for 1 turn. If this inflicts any debuffs and the target ally is a Droid, reduce the cooldown of Orbital Strike by 1 and gain stealth for 2 turns.
Orbital Strikes: Deal damage to all enemies and inflict potency down and tenacity down for 2 turns. While General Kalani is stealthed, Droid allies gain critical chance up and defense penetration up for 2 turns, and this attack cannot be evaded.
Calculated Estimate: All enemies gain target lock for 2 turns, are exposed for 2 turns, and lose 50% turn meter. These effects cannot be evaded. Droid allies gain speed up and stealth for 2 turns. If General Kalani is stealthed, Separatist allies recover 50% health and gain advantage for 3 turns.
Advanced Tactical Prowess: Separatist and Droid allies gain +50% potency and +25% critical chance. Droid and Separatist allies cannot be critically hit or stunned while they are buffed, and remove 30% turn meter on a critical hit, which cannot be resisted. Debuffed enemies cannot gain bonus turn meter while any Droid allies are active. Zeta: At the start of each encounter, all Droid and Separatist allies gain 10% turn meter, advantage for 1 turn, and all enemies gain ability block for 1 turn, which cannot be evaded or resisted.
No Assumptions: General Kalani gains +50% max health and critical avoidance equal to his potency percentage. If General Kalani is damaged while stealthed, he recovers 5% protection and 10% health. Zeta: These percentages are doubled if he is damaged by a Galactic Republic or Rebel enemy. Separatist and Droid allies recover half those amounts when either he or they are damaged.
Target Locked enemies cannot attack out of turn while General Kalani is active.