Forum Discussion

maxminus1980's avatar
6 years ago

General Kenobi

Two years and no zetas for GK. Any plans to give a raid reward character his zeta upgrade? There was no problem giving traya her overpowered zetas.
  • Can’t say his zetas will break the game... too late? Like giving fulcrum a Phoenix tag.
  • "Maxminus1980;c-1670390" wrote:
    Can’t say his zetas will break the game... too late? Like giving fulcrum a Phoenix tag.

    If that happened, and they changed nothing about her otherwise, it would immediately break the game overnight. Imagine her Unique being shared amongst Phoenix, and their’s with her. Crazy!

  • I think we could expect them sometime in a couple months with other expected reworks from the prequels/CW. he hasn't gotten one until now because he was arguably OP, however with lots of new OP toons being launched (traya, Revan, Chewy, Jango) I think he could get 1 without causing any major issues.
  • Giving zetas to toons that are strong or close to be is dangerous. Imagine now with new chewy if we get zetas on chirrut and baze, it could be another rebel era.

    Still, a zeta that works with other jedi would be best. I dont like toons that can work in any team.
  • braskme's avatar
    New Spectator
    He's already such a good character that the devs would be hard pressed to give him a zeta that doesn't make him completely OP, while still making that zeta worthwhile.
  • I’d argue his older self is a better tank on a Jedi Team....but that’s BECAUSE of Zetas ?
  • I'm sure he will get one at some point, but it's not like he needs it to be relevant or anything. It's not really about time in game, many of the zetas added were to help make them more useful..... GK is fine in that category for now.