Forum Discussion

dbcBitterDevil's avatar
6 years ago

Genosian internal strife

So, i have built my bugs to g12 and 7*, for the ship part, ofc. Today, i started adding them to the raid circuit, STR. When battling Sion, I noticed something odd: Sun Fac and Genosian spy loathe each other. And it's so heated that Sun Fac actually cancels Spy's silent strike! Thus, making Genosian Spy the most expensive and useless character, outside fleet arena, ofc.

Silent Strike, needs buffs to eat in order to actually make a difference, but here comes Fac with his basic, that actually dispells all buffs...oh, and did i mention that he's got tank and counter? Which actually takes the spy out of the game!

I know that certain characters are built to be counters to other opposing characters, for ballance's sake...but to actually build 2 team mates that should synergize, but instead make one turn the other useless...that's some genius!

LE. why was this moved here? it's not a strategy question! It's a bad build one. You got PVP questions on General but you move this one here? Seems a little spooky
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