Forum Discussion

kfd3ftu0rb1b's avatar
New Novice
6 days ago

Fix ur game....

Last update.... And yall only patched 1 of 13 ready to release patches.... Wtf.... Do your **bleep** job...

A few of those has been ready to be released for a week now... 

I swear cg is incompetent.... Of all the game studios downsizing makes me think ea hq doesn't know... Or care... Cuz CG don't....  Obviously... This is why I don't invest in pixels.... 

  • Another update and still alot of the same items that we have been waiting literally months to be fixed is still under the ready to release on Trello... Really cg.... Really.... Incompetence as it's finest that's ok tho I'll just contact ea directly.... Maybe I should buy some stock in ea so that they have no choice but to answer me...