Forum Discussion

YavinIVRecruite's avatar
5 years ago

Geonosis LS

I wrote a very positive comment on the geo light mega thread after the previous geo LS TB. I'm writing here now because my posts won't show up on that thread for some reason (wonder if I hit a nerve?)
Last geo light TB I got regular 4/4 with shak/clones and padme team. I didn't have 7* negotiator or 7* GAS, yet and still I got like 27 completed waves, AND even got a ki adi Shard. Naturally I was pumped to go at it again. I finished GAS, Nego, and further raised relic levels and improved mods thinking I'd do better this time. This battle I was unable to get a single 4/4, no ki adi Shard. Only ships worked out pretty well. I understood that last battle I had astronomically good RNG. I fully expected to be able to complete the gas mission, having r7 both gas and ahsoka with arena lvl 6 dot mods. I was able to try the mission twice since we didn't advance phases , getting 3/4 once, 2/4 next. So seriously @CG_SBCrumb , what more can we do? even with maxed out toons, even if I wanted to spend to beat the mission, I can't go any further. At this rate we'll unlock KAM by 2025 (I doubt the game will even be running the way this is going). Please give us hope, reveal to us your card up your sleeve, what will enable us to beat missions? Is it level 90 increase, 7 dot mods, relic 10? Even if everybody unlocked GL Rey (extremely unlikely), that is still only ONE team, it won't fix geo light. Even if you don't plan on tuning down the difficulty, at least give us 2 geo light and 2 dark a month. It's no fun prepping a month only to epically fail and have to wait another month, finally getting to r7, just to miserably fail again. Or just flat out tell us, listen things aren't going well, we'll be shutting down servers in 3 months, or we'll be launching swgoh 2 in 6 months. Really, community disappointment is at an all time low, some serious feedback would be nice. The recent state of the galaxy was extremely poor. I don't even care that much if I'll never unlock GL, I get it that players who spend a lot (krakens and whales), would want an advantage, and GL might be it. But it feels like there is no new content (at least not beatable) for the rest of the player base.