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ThePixie1986's avatar
10 years ago

Getting a little lost!

I have been playing this since the main (not soft) launch and have been loving the game and most aspects but now I have got close to level 60 and have spread myself too thin when it comes to upgrading heroes and am starting to struggle in Arena & GW.

I used to sit at around rank 20 with most of the time pushing for top 10 (never top 5) when I was rank 40-50 (they were 45-60). Now everyone is 60 and I am struggling to make rank 50 with most of the time I am stuck somewhere in the 60-70 range.

I started with a Bariss led team, then Sid, Phasma and now Qui Gon jinn and need some help with upcoming max level changes I am struggling to pin down a good 5 hero team.

Obviously when you see my list of characters I have spent money but I have still am unsure on my next steps.

I am currently level 59 and my characters are:

Level Star Character Power Gear Equip
59 6* Luminara 4047 7 2/6
59 6* QGJ 4091 7 1/6
58 4* Barriss 3129 6 5/6
57 5* Phasma 3336 7 1/6
57 5* Poe 3004 6 3/6
56 6* Maul 3905 7 5/6
56 6* Sidious 3633 6 5/6
56 4* Old Ben 3225 7 2/6
54 4* Vader 3264 7 4/6
54 4* Kylo 3009 7 2/6
52 4* Dooku 2801 6 5/6
48 5* Leia 3082 6 3/6
46 5* Finn 2433 5 2/6
46 4* FoTP 2653 6 4/6
45 5* Talia 2451 5 1/6
45 4* Fisto 2457 6 0/6
42 4* Fives 1853 4 1/6
42 4* Poggle 1845 4 1/6
40 4* Savage 1857 4 4/6
39 4* IG-88 1597 3 4/6
39 4* Lando* 1732 4 3/6

*Lando can be 5*

I have several other under-levelled chars like Anakin, Ahsoka, Ventress, Consular, Aayla, Boba Fett etc who are all 4*

So my current PvP team is

QJG (Lead)
Old Ben

As I said before after leveling many characters I am now finding it difficult to match the people who have obviously focused on 5 chars.

My current team is obviously laking in levels with most 4-5* and was wondering whether I should be focusing more on getting my current 6* to 7*

5* Phasma (Lead)
6* Lumi
6* Sid
6* QGJ (Would be diff to get to 7*)
6* Maul (Would be diff to get to 7*)

Any thoughts?

Thank you

10 Replies

  • I think you can get to top 10 with any kind of team as long as it's leveled/geared/starred up, so yea start focussing on an A-team of five. There's plenty of info on these forums on good synergies like AoE teams, high DPS teams or healer teams. You're in a luxury position with that kind of roster so just pick a team you like playing with and if it's maxed, you'll get back to top 10.

    Here's my team I finish top 5 with every day and i'm nearly f2p (spent 10 bucks):

    Sid 7* (leader), Lumi 7*, JC 6*, Old Daka 5*, Dooku 4*. I finish nearly every battle with all of them still standing thanks to all those heals and the occasional res. It's a bit boring to play though, so now I'm working towards an AoE team with Sid (Leader), Vader, IG88, Poe/Phasma and Lumi/Daka.

    You've got a lot more options though so you could make even better teams. Your main issue right now is that you're spread too thin, so just focus on one team of five and you'll get there.

  • That's a deep roster and there are multiple good teams you could make with that. I'm going to assume all toons are max geared? If not, focus on that.

    Here's what I would suggest to get you focused in:
    1. don't try to min/max right now. I actually lean towards the min/max camp, but with the impending level cap, don't focus on that right now, because a lot will likely change with the raised level cap in terms of whats "the best
    2. Think of how you want to fight in arena's (aoe, tank plus glass cannons, 1 vs 2 vs no healer) and start there.
    3. Once you know what type of team you want to build, I would lean towards toons that are going to be easiest to star up ie-is there a strong team, that matches your preferred build that has one toon you can level from GW, one from arena shipments, one from cantina shipments allowing you to star up quicker? now if you're willing to continue pumping money into it, you can just buy chromium packs until you've got 5 good toons 7*, but I'm assuming you're not wanting to do that.
    4. Once you have figured out which toons match your playing style and can be leveled up, make sure they are all max geared if you haven't already, and of course max level as you level up.
    5. Grind away towards 7* on these toons and start running them in arena's. This is just a starting point. Down the road you may decide another toon works better in your line up and you just have to eat the lost time and resources on the toon you replace. I think this is nearly inevitable as play styles and preferences change and of course patches, cap raises, etc can drastically effect your team. Don't sweat it.

    Now, I suggest you use above to create the team that's the most fun for you to play. But if you want a specific recommendation:
    I'm 60, top 10 every night, top 5 most nights and finished #1 the last 3 nights (keep in mind, with the current metrics, that has more to do with the timing of my arena games than skill or even team build). I personally run:
    6* Sid (Leader)
    6* Lumi
    6* JC
    5* Dooku
    5* Fett

    I like the team and it works well.

    I am currently working on a team that will consist of
    Sid (Leader)
    Fett (I want this slot to be vader so badly, but with him stuck at 4*, I think the team will do better with Fett

    But am working on getting Poe to 4* and IG88 to 5* before I try this (Sid will be 7* in the morning). If Poe cant provide enough cover for the glass cannons I may very it up. Another version of this would have Leia and FOTP. I don't like Leia due to limitations in leveling her up. FOTP could be sub'd in but he's also difficult to level up and the various stuns, debuffs etc this build gives me. Finally i'm also in the process of unlocking Ren but haven't decided how i'm going to work him in yet.

    One last note, I don't have Ben and Lando, but certainly they can be effective on an arena team, but you should decide if you're willing to commit the resources to level them up down the road.

    Just my take on you're question and it's worth precisely what you paid for it, but I hope that helps ;P.
  • Thank you everyone for your comments.

    It clearly seems evident that I need to decide on the type of team I want before I proceed which makes sense.

    My initial thought which I was previously working on was a Phasma assist build with this team...

    Phasma (Lead) - Farmable
    Lumi - Farmable
    Sid - Farmable
    Kylo - Semi Farmable
    FoTP - Semi Farmable

    This would then mean I can get all to 7* without having to spend any further monies. I have managed to get enough shards for Sid to be 7* now so I can focus on something else for Arena shipments now...ANY SUGGESTIONS?

    The reason I was saving for this team is Kylo, FoTP & Phasma will have a great chance to assist when each other attacks. They are not quick attackers other than Sid therefore FoTP could get killed before anyone other than Sid attacks which would be a big problem...other suggestions?

    The current team I am using (which I am finding very enjoyable) is...

    QGJ (Lead) - Chromium but already 6*
    Lumi - Farmable
    Poe - Farmable
    Leia - Chromium and only 5* but still solid and is at around 3500 power and still on gear level 6 so a lot of room for improvement.
    Old Ben - Chromium again and only 4* but his debuff is soo good and seems to tank a good amount of damage. I don't know whether the AI knows not to target him because of his unique as he is always left to the last 2. He could be replaced but not sure who will fill his shoes?

    The obvious reason for this team is speed and to attack first with at least three chars attacking before they do (80% of the time). The dmg from QGJ, Lumi and Leia is key here. Leia doesn't seem as bugged as everyone is saying as her multi-chance attacks seem to be close to her actual percentage chance.

    I think I currently prefer the second team although upgrading their stars will be difficult. I haven't really had a chance to try the first team though and I could find it more enjoyable.

    Anyone had any experiences with the first team or something similar?

    ps...I have a low level Consular and no old Daka so my only other healer is Barriss.

  • I am finding Lumi helpful early on with heal and special.

    I have just won an arena match against this team...

    Lvl 60 19,254 power (1,200 more than me)

    Sid Lead
    Old Daka

    Can anyone explain how Old Daka went first against my team?

    My team is Lvl 59

    QGJ Lead - 59 Gear Lvl 7
    Poe - 59 Gear Lvl 6
    Lumi - 59 Gear Lvl 7
    Old Ben - 59 Gear Lvl 7
    Leia - 59 Gear Lvl 6
  • I wouldn't use both Poe and Ben as two tanks will keep you lacking in DPS or heal, so I would replace either one of them with Sid since you've already got him at 7*. This will give you his heal immunity, pretty good damage and high evasion vs Jedi, and it will seriously boost your power rating. You're sitting at 18000 and that's pretty low. Everyone in the top 30 on my server has 20-23k+. Poe is farmable through cantina so that would be the cheaper option and his AoE expose would sync nicely with Sid's AoE attack when timed right.

    That seems like a really solid team when geared up right and I wouldn't like to run into it. Meanwhile you could farm IG88 in Arena.
  • Thanks Kandinski for the reply.

    Having both Poe and Old Ben is very tanky and I do seem to only have the 3 jedi left at the end of the fight. I will try Sid instead of Old Ben.

    It will take me a long time to get to 20000 power as all heros will need to be around 4000 power each and only Lumi and QGJ are there.

    I started today as no88 in the arena rankings and after 8 games (winning 7) I am now no20. I have 3 hours and two more fights left to hold on.
  • For qgj team, Phasma is better than poe since your dd is single target. She also gives turn meter and slow down opponent.

    Ben is ok at 4* if he dies your team get crit buff.
  • I definitely dont want to go with an all Jedi team with the current Sith improvements. I am certainly intrigued with using Phasma instead of Poe...I will certainly give that a try.

    I tried Sid instead of Old Ben for 1 match (the one I lost). I think for now I need the ability block and debuff as I can quickly wipe most of the first few chars before I loose any.

    My only risk is that because of no Poe the likes of Leia will be killed quickly because of no taunt..will have to test though.

    Typically I am facing this team..

    Sid (Lead)
    Old Daka

    My kill order is usually you suggest any changes??

    Old Daka, Lumi, Consular, Sid & Dooku
  • Some good reading here, im still a novice so thought I'd ask here (hope you don't mind OP) i have kylo and phasma so would love to do a team with both. Was thinking
    Phasma (lead)
    - need suggestions for a 5th spot?

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