6 years ago
"Grand Arena" gets Worse
Wow!!! I thougt last time was bad, Boy was i in for a suprise. Not only am i Horriably miss matched by 2.1 mil gp !!!!!! At 20,000 a good toon thats 10 of them all with a zeta(the 100kgp =10 zetas/ome...
"Darth_DeVito;c-1819797" wrote:
I've faced seemingly impossible odds in GA a few times and won nonetheless. Sometimes through no doing of my own when my opponent never attacked me. But I've also won a few times by putting my best squads on defense. My opponent did the same and had nothing left to take out my defense teams, whereas I had enough half-geared fluff to zerg down one of his teams in 5 or 6 battles. So just because your opponent has 3 times as many zetaed g12 characters doesn't mean you don't stand a chance. Always make an effort and the outcome might surprise you.