6 years ago
Guild currency request
I have hopefully a reasonable and simple request. With the intro of the geo Tb and soon the next TB can you provide a way for maybe a 2 fo1 from normal guild currency to the new guild currency? Why I ask this for guilds 120 and below most can’t even do the geo Tb much less the next one comming out. If they can they get between 9-13 stars. Guilds who want and need the negotiator shards or gr 13 gear have zero path to get it. The reason I say zero path this is what I see running a 117k guild. Trying to get new people is very hard unless you want to bring new players which is fine if they are active and with the new journey event may help. What happens now is older guild members are running into the negotiator in the arena or now GA and get getting frustrated because we have no path or a very slow path to ever seeing it. New players comming in run into the same problem because big guilds members are creating alts and bringing them into there guild and getting negotiator shards which frustrates them and they quit playing because again zero path to it and zero chance to ever see the top in arena or win in ga. Toons hidden behind a pay wall you have provided a path General ankin and Malak are all doable with money or saving. But with the stuff hidden behind the newest guild currency is killing the new/ small growing guilds because they cannot compete with a mega guild(yuck). All I am asking is provide a way maybe do a 2 for 1 normal to new guild currency. This will make it harder for the lower or smaller guilds but it provides a path for them and a chance to continue to grow. They still will want to run the new content because who would want to to trade 2 normal for 1 new guild currency when you have Malak and General skywalker hidden there. This at least gives some of the player base an opportunity to move forward instead of just quitting the game.