Forum Discussion

Flanzip's avatar
New Spectator
2 years ago

Guild Training Ground. Use those useless Sim tickets

A training ground format between guild members that doesn't use energy but costs Sim tickets to play. We all have sooo many Sim tickets that we will likely never use

A place to to test and refine those teams against fellow guild members
A guild member will set the terms of the battle
1) single teams or multi teams
2) omicron and or data crons allowed or not
3) perhaps offer an equipment/resources/shards wager or not.

Then another guild member accepts. They go at it.
Could keep a history of bouts between the two members.
Could keep a history of bouts between two teams.

Plus I can see people spending more real dollars on the game because they will be getting more out of their teams in terms of use and trying to improve them. As well as a bit of friendly rivalry will promote healthy competition.

Who is in (hopefully the Devs .... Extra $$ lol)
  • Don't see this being implemented - this is much like the fabled "Sandbox Mode" but more restricted
  • Flanzip's avatar
    New Spectator
    Happy for any variation. If so many of us like some form of this. sand box, training ground, inter guild battles. Those that like these ideas should "like" all these types of posts to help gain traction. Their is money to be made in the form of purchases on the production side and enhanced game experience for players.

    Like my post people and direct me to where I can like posts of a similar ideas and I will like those.

    Those Sim tickets need to be used and I don't think anyone wants to use valuable energy on this. It could work for everyone.

  • winterwolves's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    I use loads of sim tickets every day. The last thing I would want is to ever think about them again. People whinged about piles of g1-3 gear for years, then they have us a way to use them in the scavenger. Now: "waahhh Carbonite circuit boards are the worst!"