@jpierrard17 : I totally agree with you.
I also used GW to test potential teams and combinations against top teams. I could do test runs, see how my teams behaved on auto, who they chose their special abilties on and whether they were effective, what order to best tackle meta teams etc The start-of-level-85-teams I now face don't come even close to give me much insight into how my team would do in the arena or against a challenging foe.
While I agree with those that complained that it was boring facing always the same two teams that was more the fault of a boring meta than of GW.
Maybe they had to fix the difficulty but now they have certainly overdone it the other way round. I would have prefered it if they had simply cut the number of nodes in half to reduce the grind and had kept one fairly challenging one at the end.
Now it is just a boring chore that my phoenix team can do on auto all the time. :(