8 years ago
HAAT P3 F2P High DMG Squad?
So, for those that don't have Thrawn, CLS, or Chaze...I want to know if anyone has tried (or is willing to try) the following squad, which is a variant on the Chirpatine squad: Chirpa (L) Palpatin...
"Faa;c-1289221" wrote:"Dryff;c-1289080" wrote:
@Faa I only thought of this because in NAAT, I ran Chirpa, EP, STHan, Elder, and ??? (can't remember) and STHan never died...and I don't even have his zeta. Between Chirpa and Elder, STHan pretty much stayed healthy.
I would try this myself, but I don't have the zeta for STHan, and also don't have Jyn geared up. Though I do have CLS so maybe I'll run him in there and see what happens (even though that's like, kinda cheating for this theory... :D )
Your theory is solo'ing P3 with F2P chars :smiley:
Trust me, I've thought about the zeta for STH as well but there are always missing pieces in the synergy or the raid mechanics conflict with the synergy in some way. When you'd put him as lead, and with his zeta, he will survive without too much troubles. The boss doesn't hit hard on a tank, like 5K on a crit roughly.