Forum Discussion

lgo1sgiq75f7's avatar
18 days ago

Han Shoots Second…

…. Because Great Mothers shoot first.


4 Replies

  • Any character who gets an extra turn at the beginning of the battle moves before Han Solo. So forget about the list of moves at the beginning of the battle.:
    Han Solo
    Other characters

  • hexenJager43's avatar
    Rising Scout
    18 days ago

    That is incorrect. Han is coded to shoot first before everyone. Occasionally they mess that up but it will be fixed. The only time you *should* shoot 2nd is Han vs Han, than it is the faster of the two shoots 1st.

  • He's "supposed to" shoot first.  If he doesn't it's a bug and don't count on them to fix that anytime soon.  They only prioritize bugs that make PVE easier for players.  GLAT has at least 4 or 5 bugs with her and the whole spectre team and they are silent.  There are years old bugs still happening.

    Oh and if it's because of the Datacron for Mothers, definitely don't expect them to fix it.  Datacron bugs are "gonna be gone in 4 months anyway!" so they generally don't bother fixing any of those.  Plus, like I said, they only effect PVP, which are low concern for CG.

    They'll get to it, eventually.  Maybe...

  • Finalistic_Kleo's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    17 days ago

    They won't fix anything. And if they do fix it, it will be in 100 years, if they remember. They can't fix the Grand Inquisitor in so many years that he goes first if the leader is the 3rd sister.