4 years ago
Han Solo v Han Solo
In a game where both squads have Han Solo, which Han Solo gets to use their "Shoots First" bonus attack first?
I assumed it was Speed but I just had a match against a Han Solo of Speed 252 as opposed to my Han's Speed of 255 and his Han got the first bonus attack. Stunned my Han, his Chewbacca joined in, I ended up losing the match as a direct result. And no, he didn't have a Leader who added to Speed.
Is it just random?
I assumed it was Speed but I just had a match against a Han Solo of Speed 252 as opposed to my Han's Speed of 255 and his Han got the first bonus attack. Stunned my Han, his Chewbacca joined in, I ended up losing the match as a direct result. And no, he didn't have a Leader who added to Speed.
Is it just random?