Forum Discussion

NyKynoe's avatar
8 years ago

Holo table arcade

This idea is not really an event but a new table/area.

Playable area like an arcade machine :

- Cost ally coins

- choose from several modes
- arena : this could be based on your arena rank at payout or average and match you against someone from a different shard but based on the same lvl and power. Reward for a win, either a prize box, or just some coins nothing more then the ratio of cost of ally coins to bronzium, or whatever.
- raid : pick a raid and a phase, single team run as much damage as you can. Scaled reward based on how much damage but overall prizes based on ratio of ally coin cost to bronzium. Or prize box, or possibly single piece of raid salvage.
- events : select the event and follow that events rules. Prize based on ally coin cost to bronzium payout ratio.

This allows up to have a use for ally coins and gives us playable content. This also allows us to practice raids. Rewards could be based on ally coin cost but could be also be a little better for more difficult selections. Everything could have a difficulty choice too for better rewards.
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