Forum Discussion

  • n11qq7tdi2ko's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    We are waiting to release Jar Jar. It is being delayed for no known reason, it is hurting us, another round of GA where we can't use it and more NABOO events where we don't get to use it. Please, at least give us a notice of when it will be released. Thank you very much.

    • Stiouf's avatar
      Rising Novice

      looks like they don't care about us... oh wait

      more seriously, I hope it won't be like the event for cal kestis, 5 months between the second and the third !

  • hibnit32's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Whether it is coming very soon or a couple of months, some communication would be nice, so we know whether to spend resources on something else or not in the meantime

  • xDufox's avatar
    Seasoned Novice

    i finished my gungan farm the week after the last jar jar event...

    iv been patiently waiting and it sucks.

  • pjtqhkzyb0a2's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    I fully farmed my gungans as well im now working on BO Katarn bc I at least know when her event will be lmao she seems to be the only constant in this new farming nonsense with radio silence.