Forum Discussion

DarthCha0s13's avatar
New Adventurer
3 months ago

Hondo’s Neutral Tag

Hondo’s neutral tag should have him count as both LS and DS.  In the show, he chose his side based on what would benefit him the most.  This should be reflected in the game’s interactions.

Vandor Chewie revives LS allies with his unique.  Hondo says I’m LS

Aphra wants to hang out with DS Droids and Scoundrels.  Hondo says I’m a DS Scoundrel

The new DC gives 15% H/P for each other DS ally.  Hondo says I’m a DS unit.

Much like there is a unique for large unit characters, Hondo could have a special unique that states “Neutral Alignment:  This unit counts as both Light Side and Dark Side.”

1 Reply

  • CaptainAhen's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    3 months ago

    I'd be up for Hondo's neutrality allowing him to have specific neutral alignment bonuses, much like LS/DS, but he certainly shouldn't count for both. He's "choosing" a side out of immediate necessity and survival, but isn't actually aligning with them more than momentarily. Ultimately he's not choosing a side and would rather stay out of it.  The LS/DS units are on those sides, and with Hondo being on no one's side it wouldn't make sense to give him the benefits from either.