Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Newcomer
5 years ago

How best to utilize crystals

As a free to play gamer of 3+ years I have been earning roughly about 170ish Crystals a day. I dont manage well in fleet arena and I dont want to attempt to climb in squad arena knowing whatever I do I wont break even and am content with my earnings. When it comes to spending crystals however I'm a situational spender as in I spend on whatever I deem most important at the time i.e gear, shards, blueprints so long as I have the funds. I've been debating on how I should go about handling my crystals more effectively based on my income. I usually avoid spending on refreshes because I tend to think that due to the poor drop rate of shards I think buying shards from shipments is a better alternative since at least there's a guarantee that I'll actually get more than one or two shards after say 2 or 3 refreshes. Should I just go all out and spend all my crystals on refreshes based on my income or save up?
  • @Coolnessda your most efficient use of crystals would be to use 150 per day refreshing energy. Either normal or ship energy, or split between them.

    As others have said, farming shards from nodes is by far the most crystal efficient way of gaining shards.

    If you are not in a hurry to get a particular toon, then farming multiple nodes will get you further in the long run than refreshing nodes. Those 25 crystals to refresh a node is a big chunk of your 170 per day.

    You'll build up a small amount of crystals that you can use to get them pesky golden eyeball components.
  • I know the pain of bad RNG. I'm farming Shaak Ti, and I'm on a roll of getting zero shards in the last four days. That was after getting a 5 shards payout. Today I finally got one. Most of my crystals are going towards SLKR's gear refreshes, which isn't too bad and making some real progress.
  • "TVF;c-2145932" wrote:
    "Potato211;c-2145893" wrote:
    I don't know what RNG you guys get but mine is always screwing me over with either 1 shard or none for His, Mando, B1 and Enfys. It's rare for me to see 2, alone 5 shards from a Hard node.

    Feels are a poor way to play the game.

    Okay boomer
  • The most efficient way is the long game. So if you're wanting to farm a character 3 times a day, instead of spending crystals on 2 node refreshes, farm 3 separate characters.
    You'll get 3 characters to 7 stars in the exact same amount of time but you save all the crystals you would of spent on refreshes.
    The only difference is that it takes longer for the first and second character but what you save on crystals more than makes up for it
  • If you people want to take 3 months to 7* a character live it up. But doing only refreshes is definitely not the fastest way. Do your 3 refreshes and build up extra crystals to buy from the shop. People act as if it has to be one or the other. Do both if you want the character the fastest. Or save all your crystals when a marquee drops. Buy them from the shops before they are farmable. I got greef and mando that way. I used my daily energy on gear. Those characters were done a week after hitting the shipments and I no longer have to deal with it. It all depends on your goals.