3 years ago
How important is Tie Echelon for Finalizer fleet?
To give more context:
I'm farming for SLKR and had a rough start comming back to my account not playing for 2 years and having to farm shards for the toons then discovering the bottleneck on Finalizer. 4 Months into the farm and I can see it on the horizon. Next General's command event I'm able to get Finalizer.
My fleets aren't that bad but I have two questions actually. One is, how important is Tie Echelon for the Finalizer fleet, and, if it's very important, should I use resets to get Finalizer 7* and start farming Tie Echelon Or don't mind any of this and start farming early for Executor(Tie bomber for shards)?
I'm 3/330 shards on Tie Echelon and the only ship missing for the executor is the tie bomber. Characters are all g12 7* for executor, the downside on characters is that I don't have BAM yet even though I'm 220/330 on razor crest
I'm farming for SLKR and had a rough start comming back to my account not playing for 2 years and having to farm shards for the toons then discovering the bottleneck on Finalizer. 4 Months into the farm and I can see it on the horizon. Next General's command event I'm able to get Finalizer.
My fleets aren't that bad but I have two questions actually. One is, how important is Tie Echelon for the Finalizer fleet, and, if it's very important, should I use resets to get Finalizer 7* and start farming Tie Echelon Or don't mind any of this and start farming early for Executor(Tie bomber for shards)?
I'm 3/330 shards on Tie Echelon and the only ship missing for the executor is the tie bomber. Characters are all g12 7* for executor, the downside on characters is that I don't have BAM yet even though I'm 220/330 on razor crest