Forum Discussion

UltimateSeaDog's avatar
8 years ago

How should I have tackled this?
GW node 12: zBoba (L), Chaze, Wiggs g9 chaze g10 7* with +~20 speed on average.
My GW team: Jyn (L) K2 Cassian Chaze all g11 except g10 K2.

Baze was a piece of cake, shock grenade = crippling shot took care of him. Chirrut took a Daze + buff immunity (Conductive Charge, k2). To evade executes I applied Tenacity Up from as the force wills for Chirrut's first turn. Baze AoE'd and destroyed Wedge.

by turn 3, I had zero specials left, but tenacity up on everyone and a ton of HoTs. As expected boba executed K2, and I got him down to no BHR and 100% health. then boom he kills Cassian, regaining BHR AND all prot. Went on till he executed Jyn and killed Chirrut, with max prot.

Went on and on, by the time i had exhausted my entire roster Boba was still standing.

what should I have done?

5 Replies

  • I just glanced at your roster but i know that stuns and healing immunity are really good against Boba zeta. I HIGHLY suggest gearing up your palpatine and nihilus
  • It's also good to avoid stacking a pile of buffs until you kill boba, or wait till he does an execute then zerg him and use all your buffs.

    Sadly your chirruit just made it easier for boba to kill you
  • happypfe's avatar
    New Spectator
    8 years ago
    That's the thing with zBoba, if you don't kill him with your main team, B, C, and D teams will have no affect on him. As long as he keeps killing, he's immortal. No possible way to whittle him down like other characters. With no viable B team coming behind, I would prioritize toons like this in the future; although, your start was a good one. Killing Chaze first is usually a safe bet.
  • Keep Boba stunned/remove tm with Jyn...with subsequent teams tey to bring in healing immunity, AB/CD increase, and tmr if he's the last.