9 years ago
I am so mad
I swear this happens too much too often. I was about the three 3 another RG node and QGJ had freaking like a silver of health and the GAME FREAKING CRASHES no rewards all my 16 energy spend 7mins wasted this happens all the time for me and this is why i am running out of sim tickets too cause i cant affford to actually battle cause the game will crash. Has happend during arena as well. FIX YOUR GAME CG OPTIMIZE IT PLEASE. i had just refreshed my energy so i could 3 star this node. 50 crystals wasted.
I would try again but it will prolly crash again simming is the only way the game doesnt crash anymore i feel.
I would try again but it will prolly crash again simming is the only way the game doesnt crash anymore i feel.