"Dretzle;c-1046792" wrote:
"JacenRoe;c-1046564" wrote:
"Dretzle;c-1046427" wrote:
The gear that goes into the characters directly affect their end stats. So take a second look at some of those 'weak' characters. That snowtrooper hits HARD. Cad Bane has the highest offense of the game. The Jawas you mentioned are also powerful, especially the basic Jawa.
Cade Bane is worthless. A Jawa team would get torn apart by any meta team. Snowtrooper is getting reworked, because he was hot garbage. They are all proof that you're incorrect.
Gear affects base stats, which is often totally invalidated by the kit. Nightsister Initiate is #1 for the highest physical damage in the game, but barely scratches opponents especially compared to the #44 character Rey, who hits for over 10k unmodded on non-crits. It's funny to see #43 right above her is Shoretrooper. Wedge, and Biggs are both WAY below that. :D
LOL. It's like you didn't read my post. You pointed out how terrible the characters I mentioned are, because their move set is more important than their stats. So you said that I was incorrect.
Although the only point I was making was that gear that goes into characters directly affects their end stats, which you then go on to agree with, essentially saying I was correct. Here, let me highlight that part where you said I was wrong, and then in the very next sentence said I was right:
"JacenRoe;c-1046564" wrote:
They are all proof that you're incorrect.
Gear affects base stats
I wasn't saying the characters were useful in the arena. I wasn't saying that you should focus on gearing them over more meta characters or characters that have better moves.
The point I was making, the ONLY point I was making, was that gear affects stats. If you "make the lesser characters easier to gear" so you can play with them, you ALSO make them less useful to gear and play with. Take away all those stun cuffs, and Cad Bane is no longer the character with the highest offense in the game. So what's the point anymore of even wanting to gear him?
Let me make it simpler for you and the OP. You want these less popular characters, whom you deem worthless because their move kits are unappealing, you want these characters to be easier to gear so that you can use them. You want them to take away all the gear that would make them even halfway interesting to use.
So what are you going to do when you're done gearing them with worthless gear? Smile at them? Spin them in your character window? Take away the powerful gear, and now these characters are even less than the interesting trinkets you were thinking of toying with.
As I said before, the problem is not the gear they require, it's that (a) there is a small selection of gear that all characters of a certain kind need and (b) the way to attain this gear is prohibitive. They could make new kinds of gear that give the same stats, but then you are even less likely to get gear you need when you are trying to level a particular character (more gear types mean a large pool from the random payouts of raids, which means harder to get a particular kind of gear). If they feel it's a problem, probably the best solution is to move zetas outside of the fleet shop, which is one of the best places to get 5 stun cuff salvage at a time.
I got your point exactly. And you very clearly didn't read my post. I never said that the gear should be removed from them. However it could be removed, AND they could be more powerful by tinkering with their kit because as I said kit>gear. That however would be a tangled mess to sort out, and will never happen.
Secondly, you very clearly said these characters are powerful, and hit hard. I simply pointed out that that's false. They don't. And the reason is that kit>gear. I never disagreed with you that gear affects stats, but in many cases those stats are irrelevant, because when setting the damage a toon does, their kit multiples that number as high as they want. You can make a character with nothing but blue/green/white gear hit for whatever you want by putting extra zeros next to the multiplication sign. Gear tables for many older characters don't reflect their USEFULNESS. ANYWHERE. Forgot arena. Some are junk EVERYWHERE. In fact I used Rey for comparison who is useful, but not arena dominant currently.
Lastly your suggestion that weaker characters need to be given gear over those that are stronger is the worst. Arena worthy characters need to be pushed to max. Characters that have limited viability in some places as a novelty, or no viability at all that require double the hard to get gear shouldn't be geared up at all. If I need 3 cuffs for a fabulous character that will pay for itself in arena, and be great in several game modes, or 5 cuffs for a junk toon with a bad kit then the first toon gets it.
That was not a demand that someone fix it, or a suggestion to pull gear off of anyone. It's an aknowledgement of reality. Many old kits are bad, that gear/stats are often meaningless due to kits, and the gear requirements don't reflect how good toons are. The only thing to do as F2P is the opposite of what you said. Keep precious gear away from horrible characters until their kits are updated, or a newer, more well thought out gear paywall is implemented between levels 85-100, and the flow of older gear is increased. I'm not holding my breath for that though.