Forum Discussion

  • TERRITORY 1 (top)


    • Stormtrooper
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • Royal Guard
    • Magmatrooper
    • Death Trooper
    • Talia
    • Asajj Ventress
    • Old Daka
    • Nightsister Acolyte
    • Nightsister Initiate
    • HK-47
    • Poggle the Lesser
    • IG-86
    • Magnaguard
    • B2 Super Battle Droid


    • Director Krennic
    • Death Trooper
    • Shoretrooper
    • Stormtrooper
    • Grand Moff Tarkin
    • Nute Gunray
    • B2 Super Battle Droid
    • IG-86
    • Count Dooku
    • Magnaguard
    • Boba Fett
    • Dengar
    • Greedo
    • IG-88
    • Gamorrean Guard


    • Darth Nihilus
    • Sith Assassin
    • Sith Trooper
    • Darth Maul
    • Savage Oppress
    • Count Dooku
    • Geonosian Spy
    • Geonosian Solider
    • Poggle the Lesser
    • Sun Fac
    • Director Krennic
    • Death Trooper
    • Shoretrooper
    • Stormtrooper
    • Magmatrooper


    • Stormtrooper
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • Royal Guard
    • Magmatrooper
    • Death Trooper
    • Poggle the Lesser
    • B2 Super Battle Droid
    • IG-86
    • Magnaguard
    • Sun Fac
    • Darth Sidious
    • Darth Maul
    • Savage Oppress
    • Count Dooku
    • Sith Trooper


    • Darth Sidious
    • Darth Maul
    • Savage Oppress
    • Count Dooku
    • Sith Trooper
    • Captain Phasma
    • First Order Stormtrooper
    • First Order TIE Pilot
    • First Order Officer
    • Kylo Ren
    • Gar Saxon
    • Imperial Super Commando
    • Royal Guard
    • Director Krennic
    • TIE Fighter Pilot


    • Old Daka
    • Asajj Ventress
    • Nightsister Acolyte
    • Nightsister Initiate
    • Talia
    • Stormtrooper
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • Royal Guard
    • Magmatrooper
    • Death Trooper
    • Grand Moff Tarkin
    • Royal Guard
    • Stormtrooper
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • Magmatrooper

  • TERRITORY 2 (bottom)


    • Stormtrooper
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • Royal Guard
    • Magmatrooper
    • Death Trooper
    • Old Daka
    • Asajj Ventress
    • Nightsister Acolyte
    • Nightsister Initiate
    • Talia
    • Grand Moff Tarkin
    • Royal Guard
    • Stormtrooper
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • Magmatrooper


    • Grand Moff Tarkin
    • Royal Guard
    • Stormtrooper
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • Magmatrooper
    • Count Dooku
    • Geonosian Spy
    • Geonosian Soldier
    • Poggle the Lesser
    • Sun Fac
    • Gar Saxon
    • Imperial Super Commando
    • Royal Guard
    • Director Krennic
    • TIE Fighter Pilot


    • Darth Nihilus
    • Sith Assassin
    • Sith Trooper
    • Darth Maul
    • Savage Oppress
    • Talia
    • Asajj Ventress
    • Old Daka
    • Nightsister Acolyte
    • Nightsister Initiate
    • HK-47
    • Poggle the Lesser
    • IG-86
    • Magnaguard
    • B2 Super Battle Droid


    • Stormtrooper
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • Royal Guard
    • Magmatrooper
    • Death Trooper
    • Nute Gunray
    • B2 Super Battle Droid
    • IG-86
    • Count Dooku
    • Magnaguard
    • Director Krennic
    • Death Trooper
    • Shoretrooper
    • Stormtrooper
    • Magmatrooper


    • Darth Sidious
    • Darth Maul
    • Savage Oppress
    • Count Dooku
    • Sith Trooper
    • Poggle the Lesser
    • B2 Super Battle Droid
    • IG-86
    • Magnaguard
    • Sun Fac
    • Boba Fett
    • Dengar
    • Greedo
    • IG-88
    • Gamorrean Guard


    • Captain Phasma
    • First Order Stormtrooper
    • First Order TIE Pilot
    • First Order Officer
    • Kylo Ren
    • Stormtrooper
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • Royal Guard
    • Magmatrooper
    • Death Trooper
    • URoRRuR'R'R
    • Tusken Shaman
    • Tusken Raider
    • Mob Enforcer
    • Gamorrean Guard

  • So are these gonna stay constant...or will they change like in the light side ones...each week they are different...also i see weve time travelled to the year 2107
  • Not sure yet, but this is plenty to get me started. Now, where did I put all those stun cuffs....?
  • What star do they require and still no game play i was real disappointed wen we got ls tb and i see what platoon missions were :( there not missions i was gutted cuz platoon missions sounded so good i thought it would b some kind ov special troop mission so so disappointed
  • Cheeky that empire toons are needed on same vertical slice platoons that are also required for a special mission, just like asking for rogue1 where rogue 1 missions are, not nice, there isnt that many empire toons, if it had been rebels there wouldn’t have been a problem since there is 32, but empire, there is only 17 counting the 2 new ones, not cool to lose a 7% of your empire toons everytime you place one on each platoon.