8 years ago
Imperial/DarkSide Love...PLEASE
I love Rebels as much as the next guy, and due to the fact that we have 32 rebels in the game, you'd think the name of the game would be star wars galaxy of rebels. Imperial characters, we have 17. Sith characters we have 9, two of which are also imperial characters. Bounty Hunters we have 6, their synergy is awesome, but they're too squishy to do anything in our darkside TB (and no one really stands a chance against the wampas). With those 3 factions combined we have a whole 30 characters, still not as many characters as the rebels have.
Devs, the darkside needs some love here...I took what I deemed as a good imperial squad into darkside TB (Zader lead 7* 85 g11, snowtrooper 7* 85 g10, royal guard 7* 85 g10, death trooper 4* 85 g9 and shoretrooper 5* 85 g9) and I got absolutely wasted by the rebels on phase 3. Literally their entire team cleansed and healed. I could daze, stun and do heal immunity and before it even had time to take effect, it was gone. The only debuff I could use was vaders dots, and even with that they were healing so frequently it had no effect.
If you're going to give us a darkside TB, at the very least let us out number the rebels because you've made it very apparent that the darkside can't over power the rebels.
Devs, the darkside needs some love here...I took what I deemed as a good imperial squad into darkside TB (Zader lead 7* 85 g11, snowtrooper 7* 85 g10, royal guard 7* 85 g10, death trooper 4* 85 g9 and shoretrooper 5* 85 g9) and I got absolutely wasted by the rebels on phase 3. Literally their entire team cleansed and healed. I could daze, stun and do heal immunity and before it even had time to take effect, it was gone. The only debuff I could use was vaders dots, and even with that they were healing so frequently it had no effect.
If you're going to give us a darkside TB, at the very least let us out number the rebels because you've made it very apparent that the darkside can't over power the rebels.