Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Novice
3 years ago

Is ki adi mundi relevant anymore?

Since the release of the light side geonosian territory battle event ki adi mundi has been rather elusive to obtain. Unlike rolo and wat who have had their shards appear in multiple shipments or even farmable in bounty hunter events I have yet to see this banana headed jedi anywhere. My guild has not been able to clear his section of the geo territory battle in a while as we are sitting on I think like 10 shards. In addition to this i never see many players use him in squad or grand arena and mentioned to work in very few teams for rancor challenge raid. Is he still relevant and even so why hasn't he been given more farming locations given he's been in the game a while now and since he isn't needed for any special event like rolo and wat is there any reason he shouldn't be given some farmable slots in shipments somewhere?