Forum Discussion

GegeGerard24's avatar
2 years ago

Is this a bug? Ahsoka Tano's ship doesn't dispell "taunt" while it is reinforcing.

Even though the kit says so...

At the 1st footage, you can see that the "taunt" of the Hound's Tooth isn't dispelled.

Compared to the 2nd footage...
Ahsoka Tano's "shut down" dispells "taunt" on Slave 1.

Both kit say "all buffs".
So why "all buffs" in "shut down" includes dispelling "taunt", but not "all buffs" in "cunning maneuver"?

Is this a bug?
Any1 has the same problem?

  • When you eventually get Han’s MF, it will dispel on basic under a Rebel capital ship as well. Rebel y-wing can also inflict shield disruption, which is anathema for HT.

    Also, if you have enough firepower, you can just overpower HT’s 10% bonus prot. Han’s MF puts out a ton of damage as well as dispelling, and if you get a big mass assist on HT timed out with your Rebel fleet, it’s lights out for HT/pretty much anyone else. As mentioned, JKA has buff immunity (and healing immunity), and also smacks hard enough once suitably upgraded, to eat through HT with a few turns, which JKA readily gets as he gains TM as allies take damage. TIE x1 can also do this with suitably upgraded/relic Vader, TIE Fighter can also put up a big hit (especially when buffed with offense/defense penetration), and the newly released TIE Defender can SLAP even at 4-5* with g11 Iden. Like 2-3 shot a HT even without eliminating the bonus prot via cleansing/debuff (note that this is in a Chimaera full Empire lineup, I haven’t tested Defender in other lines ups). Of course, some combo of clearing the bonus prot with buff immunity/healing immunity/shield disruption/defense down/breached always helps.

    A bit of advice - almost never hit HT when you’re not forced to, and try to only hit HT when you’re ready to take him out. That’ll avoid putting too many BP stacks on HT while you set up your big hit(s). Try to manage breached on your end so you can get around HT’s taunt when you need to. Use basics more, and save your specials for the right moments (something I learned from watching a lot of high-end streamers play).

    On that note, probably the best fleet guides anywhere are BitDynasty’s videos on YouTube. He has in-depth guides on how to use every fleet, as well in-depth counter guides against every fleet. Very informative stuff.

    But as you pointed out, a lot of these counters will take time to develop, and you have to prioritize limited resources.There really isn’t a “quick” way because ships take FOREVER (seriously why are NO ships accelerated yet??!?). And you have to work out the right timing with reinforcements/abilities with each comp — that’s not a lack of game features, you just don’t know the game and ship kits/interactions that well yet. You’ll figure out ways to beat HT as you develop your roster. We’ve all been there. We all did.
  • Lol - amused the abbreviation for “Millenium Falcon” is censored