Forum Discussion

Lukosskydiver's avatar
New Novice
15 days ago

It's the last payment to you , for me !

You are incredibly cupid. Everything IS behind a paywall now. I start this game f2p and i Say to myself i will purchase every years for the game some stuff, for the game, for développers, for living people who works on this game. But you're cupid , the way you manage this game , IS obvious. You chaîned people with our own investissements ! And prétend that ( why people buy it if it's expensive ? ) because they're chaîned ! You maked believe at the players that the game was ruled by f2p AT the beginning , to chaîned them with Time, character game breaker, daily's investissements and addiction. I'm done with your purchase , you're mind 's planning and the frustration of this game ! Keep my money, you will have no more or it !  You're are like Disney , ruined and hopeless because you don't know différence between talents , creativity and money production ! Keep you're **bleep** paywall ! I'am going to play Nintendo, because when you pay a game one Time , you Can play fully on it . FY

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