Forum Discussion

Lazerath85's avatar
6 years ago

Jango fett pistol sound

have you ever heard the saying; if it ain't broke, dont fix it! you've changed the sound of jango's it has this popping sound in with the original sound effect.. it sounded perfect the way it was..but now it just sounds off..not sure why y'all felt the need to mess around with it..but for gods sake, please change it back! you haven't even fixed FOE's axe sound effect.. yet you can screw up jango fetts pistol sound effect. c'mon guys lmfao
  • Also, I stand corrected on FOE. it seems they have re inserted the sound of the axe locking in place. although it's still not the right sound! lol Maybe it's because the original sound effect is/was being used on a another character(s). Ah step at a time eh by'es
  • might just be cuz I havent heard it in so long. lol it sounds way better either way
  • Yeah..its definitely cuz he double taps with the first pistol(left)..and if they were a little more spaced out it would sound good..its just happens way too fast..I've went back and watched AOTC and during the battle of geonosia he does fire off a couple of double shots..thing is..its pretty much half the speed..that's why now you hear more of that popping sound because they put the shots to close together so you dont hear that resonating sound as much. Either slow down that double tap with the first pistol, or put it back to just two shots overall.

    Again, as I said... IF IT AINT BROKE DON'T FIX IT!! lmao