Forum Discussion

RobreLawin's avatar
3 years ago

Jedi Master Kenobi Event keeps crashing

I'm having a hard time finishing the phase 1 of the Kenobi Event. It's crashed 3 times out of 8 attempts. I'm losing tickets and there is no way to get them reimbursed.

I open the app. Close the app. Force stop. Open app and go directly to the event and it still crashes.

How can I get tickets back? How can I be assured it won't keep crashing on me?

2 Replies

  • I posted about this before and it worked for me and a few others.

    In Phase 1, use only basic attacks, don't use any specials or AOE, just basic and it won't crash during battle. The first battle is the only one that has an issue with using special attacks.

    I just tested it now. Crashed when I used any thing other than basic. It worked twice in a row with just basic. Good luck!

  • If it's like mine earlier, it happens on loading screen before battle