Forum Discussion

Palanthrax's avatar
6 years ago

Jedi Revan: Minimum Expectations

So word has it that Jedi Revan was not quite (or even nearly) up to par, hence no kit reveal last week. The decision to work on Revan this past weekend was absolutely the right one.

The question is, no doubt, where the bar should be set for arguably the most expensive character to ever be released into the game.

In my opinion, he should make Jedi (or whichever synergy team works best) hard to beat for Traya teams, but not impossible, and extremely tough to beat for other teams. In short, teams with Revan should hold better on defence than any other.

Anything short of this is quite simply not worth the investment. We currently have wall to wall Traya killers, Rebels with Chewie can do it, Bastila-led Jedi can already do it, Jango-led bounty hunters can do it, etc.

Revan will be deemed a success if his kit convinces current Traya users to switch to him for reasons other than bragging rights. Anything short of this will be deemed a failure.
  • "StarSon;c-1671201" wrote:
    "No_Try;c-1671177" wrote:
    "StarSon;c-1671169" wrote:
    "No_Try;c-1671165" wrote:

    Wait, why do you need 35k *more*? Even with bad RNG it should be do-able with 40k total. Over 6 weeks (total time starting at Jolee/Bastila farmable to end of the event) of 800 crystals/day that's 33,600. What did you do with those 33k crystals that you now need an additional 35k?

    You tell me, cantina is the real bottleneck for me (3x refreshes/day). This is where I'm at. I'm not sure how you get at the number 33.6k.

    33,600 is easy, it's 6*7*800. That's 42 days at your stated lowest income of 800 crystals.

    Cantina is a bottleneck, but I have to assume you haven't been doing 32/day on each of the three hard node farms. I was, and I finished Jolee super early in the process. At 10 shards/day on average, starting from 0/30, you should be done with Jolee and Bastila already. It also doesn't look like you've been doing 3x100 every day in cantina the entire time. Without having bought the Marquee packs you really should have been doing 5x cantina every day, even with the original assumption of a 10/25 start date.

    True, perhaps it would have been almost doable if I focus farmed and haven't scattered to Solo toons in hopes of them yielding a legendary. I'll be hoarding for next such big thang.
  • "Boov;c-1671251" wrote:
    "sying;c-1671149" wrote:
    "Boov;c-1670961" wrote:
    "sying;c-1670932" wrote:
    "Boov;c-1670821" wrote:
    "sying;c-1670803" wrote:
    "No_Try;c-1670788" wrote:
    He should be better than Ugnaught, but not better than CUP.

    What -most expensive toon-, have you ever 7*ed a toon on release?

    This one is not one they want to get wrong.

    Honest question, can they get it right?
    Given the fact that revan is quite difficult to obtain, you'd want him to be rather OP if you're able/willing to get him, but you don't want him to be that OP if you can't/aren't willing to get him.
    Personally i want him to be rather OP eventhough i'm not going to get him. On the other hand i do not want to only play vs revan once players like myself are finally able to also get him. So slightly better than traya would be ideal imo. Unfortunately that's probably too weak or too OP for others depending on their perspective.

    Yes, they can get him right.

    If you can’t get him due to monetary restraints, lack of time, foresight, resource management, or whatever then I don’t see how you can complain all that much. Something put behind any kind of wall should be more on the OP side than beatable side. If I don’t get him and I get kicked around in arena for 4-6 months then that’s on me. That probably is not a popular opinion but you know what? I don’t care. People cannot have everything right away. Get over it.

    If I do get him and I do fork over however much it’s going to take to get him and he’s not more OP than most toons then I would have a right to be angry.

    Similarly released toons changed the game in some way shape or form. Thrawn was meta changing in arena and fleet arena. CLS was meta changing when he came out and he made the rancor raid insanely easy. JTR was not as meta changing as the other two but she provided a good alternative to any other meta, and is pretty important in TW/TB.

    Speaking of which, I can’t wait until Revan is in platoons. The amount of hate unleashed in these forums will be astronomical and comical.

    i can agree with the sentiment of your comment to a degree, but if revan is the start of this game becomming pay to win rather than pay to play, it's probably not such a good thing. I'm not too worried about that happening though.
    As for unpopular opinions, i really don't care if some players forked over 400 bucks or more for a toon and it turns out said toon sucks in arena. It was their choice to buy the character.

    Players not getting their money’s worth has happened. A lot. However, I think part of this discussion involves this situation being a bit different than most others. For instance, a lot of people had to pay to get Phoenix toons farmed fast. Imagine how mad they would have been had thrawn been a terrible toon. For a lot of those people who payed, thrawn is still a good investment. I think Revan and OR toons fall into that category.

    imo you'll never get your money's worth, regardless of how good a toon is, but that's subjective. Still, it's always a good plan to research what you're buying before buying.
    For the record, Revan being just as good as thrawn was at the time is fine by me. I got him at 7* on release, but it hardly made me invincible back then.

    I would expect it to be like cls or jtr. Instant top of your arena if you can gear, zeta and lvl attacks day 1.

    Then slow drop as counters are found
  • "No_Try;c-1670788" wrote:
    He should be better than Ugnaught, but not better than CUP.

    What -most expensive toon-, have you ever 7*ed a toon on release?

    No toon can be better then CUP...

    .... as a bench warmer
  • Another thought.
    Getting Jedi Revan first time is absolutely tough.
    However, getting Jedi Revan the 2nd or 3rd time seems very easy actually. Nicely spread characters needed, many not even max energy nodes.

    So when thinking about an appropriate reward, think about its requirements on a larger scale. Comparably, the JTR farm is worse. So, from this perspective, Jedi Revans kit should also be worse than jtr.

    Its hard now so should be op, but will be easy, so then it should be mediocre.
    Maybe making it op now, and nerfing it in 3 months would make sense from this perspective. Interesting rollout nevertheless.