Forum Discussion

jayjonbeach's avatar
7 years ago

July calendar up! Thrawn coming, Chimera, EP AGAIN

I have a 6* EP, I think I need to move my butt and finish him to 7* now....
  • "EyeG_80ate;c-1588391" wrote:
    "Sacull_Kinslayer;c-1588131" wrote:
    "evoluza;c-1588081" wrote:
    "Sacull_Kinslayer;c-1588077" wrote:
    This game doesn't need more toons, it needs older content to be updated first.

    You want a rancor update?

    Older content as in older toons that have long been useless outside of deployment in TB. Need examples? Jedi, such as mace, kit, plo, etc... Separatists. Droids. Grievous. CUP. Ugnaught. There are a ridiculous number of toons available that might as well not be there except to deploy. Not everything needs to be CLS or RJT but they can be more useful. The power creep has made it that 75% of the available toons are useless. I'm being generous on the 75%.

    75%? Maybe in arena, but there are a fairly large number of characters that are good for multiple game modes. That being said, I totally agree they should rework the older stuff faster than adding new stuff (I like new stuff, but some of my favorite characters are already in the game, they just suck) so that they can be useful in SOME game mode. (looking at you CUP, Mob Enforcer, etc.)

    There are currently 153 characters available. I may have shot high on the 75% but I would bet more than 75 of them could use an update.
  • My journey to the dark side will be complete.

    A 7* Thrawn may be just out of reach however. Gear gathering has not been.......fruitful.

    My Kingdom for MK V stun guns......of and droid callers. I can guild token those I suppose.
  • thedrjojo's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "Hellsteeth30;c-1588851" wrote:
    My journey to the dark side will be complete.

    A 7* Thrawn may be just out of reach however. Gear gathering has not been.......fruitful.

    My Kingdom for MK V stun guns......of and droid callers. I can guild token those I suppose.

    There is hope of 7* thrawn with g8 Phoenix...
  • "nobodyfromjakku;c-1588640" wrote:
    "Roopehun;c-1588456" wrote:
    Where are the ship mastery events???!!!!
    CG, do you really want to give another slap to the face again?? Now??

    Last time the TW/TB dates weren't initially on the calendar released to gaming-fans. This time the fleet mastery events aren't. It seems like part of the deal is they don't give gaming-fans everything. I'm sure when the calendar is posted here (today?) the fleet mastery events will be on it.

    They aren't on the calendar posted here either. It's under Dev announcements. I'm too lazy to post the link.
  • "LordGrahck;c-1588680" wrote:
    Maybe they'll rework HK-47 and give him a needed boost to make him better.

    I remember a couple years ago when he was quite feared, not anymore, I am kind of bummed he is the login but we can hope something bigger is coming
  • "jayjonbeach;c-1588959" wrote:
    "LordGrahck;c-1588680" wrote:
    Maybe they'll rework HK-47 and give him a needed boost to make him better.

    I remember a couple years ago when he was quite feared, not anymore, I am kind of bummed he is the login but we can hope something bigger is coming

    Maybe droids rework. Hk, 86, and maybe it ll be a nice segway to seps magna guard and gg.
  • I need 10 more shards to get 7-star Home One. But for some reason there is no "Home One Fleet Mastery Event" for July. So no chance for 7-star Chimaera this time around.
  • Great! It would be cool if CG added the Fleet Mastery for July. It has taken an age to farm "Home One". Would be nice to now finish it!