Forum Discussion

  • There's no reason for him to be. He's not Jedi Luke, he's "I swung my lightsaber around a few times and got my butt handed to me by Vader" Luke.
  • "SwiftMooky;c-1320817" wrote:
    He should be marked Jedi. Trained by Obi Wan Kenobi? Yeah, you're a Jedi.

    Then explain why Yoda (former grandmaster of the order) tells Luke in ROTJ: "You must confront Vader. Only then a jedi will you be."

    Plus I can think of another Skywalker trained by Obi-wan who definitely was NOT a jedi for 99% of the original trilogy.

    Need I say more?
  • "SwiftMooky;c-1320817" wrote:
    He should be marked Jedi. Trained by Obi Wan Kenobi? Yeah, you're a Jedi.

    Had a go at swinging at some lasers from a droid for two minutes.

    If a pro taught me how to swing a bat would that make me a player in the MLB?

  • The Star Wars (2015) comics follow Luke on his adventure to find a Jedi to teach him. He searched for years before Hoth, and he never identified himself as a Jedi. Neither in ESB. He only said he's a Jedi in ROTJ, and even then Yoda corrected him, because he still was not.