Forum Discussion

Xcien's avatar
4 years ago

Kit Fisto Rework Idea

Here is the rework idea for Kit Fisto.

Unit Name: Kit Fisto
Tags: Light Side, Attacker, Leader, Jedi, Galactic Republic, Jedi Council
Description: Versatile Jedi Attacker with multi-attacks, Counter Chance, and a variety of allied buffs.
Basic: Lightsaber Mastery (Omega):
Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to attack again. If Kit Fisto has Potency Up, then he attacks a third time. Kit Fisto has a 50% chance to gain 15% Turn Meter with each attack.

Special: Turn the Tide (Cooldown 4) (Omega):
Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict Potency Down and Offense Down for 2 turns. All allies gain Potency Up for 2 turns.

Special: Superior Bladework (Cooldown 3) (Omega):
Deal physical damage to target enemy and dispel all their buffs. For each buff removed, remove 5% Turn Meter from all enemies, which cannot be resisted. Then, Kit Fisto gains Offense Up and Speed Up for 2 turns.

Leader: Jedi Protector (Omega):
All allies gain 25% Tenacity and Jedi allies gain 45 Defense as well. All allies have 50% Counter Chance and +20% Offense while debuffed. When an ally is inflicted with a debuff, they gain 10% Turn Meter.

Unique: Nautolan Jedi Master (Zeta):
Kit Fisto has 50% Counter Chance, doubled if all allies are Galactic Republic Jedi. In addition, he also has +20% Offense and +20% Potency. While Kit Fisto is buffed, he has +10 Speed, and +10 Defense.
-Zeta: Whenever Kit Fisto counterattacks, he gains 15% Turn Meter. Whenever Kit Fisto counterattacks a debuffed enemy, he has a 30% chance to Stun them for 1 turn, doubled if the enemy is Sith or Separatist. Whenever Kit Fisto counterattacks a buffed enemy, he grants all allies Tenacity Up for 1 turn.