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StealthParanoia's avatar
3 years ago

[Kit/Faction Idea] The Exile and the Lost Jedi Faction (8 Characters!)

Hello, all!

I'm quite certain this has been brought up multiple times before, but the Exile, Meetra Surik, is sorely missing from this game. Now that the Unaligned Force User tag has been released, I think that it will now be even more viable to include The Exile and company into the game. I've had a few ideas for a kit and have brought them together over the past couple of weeks. I'd be interested to hear what you think.


While creating this kit, I wanted to stay as faithful to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords as possible. As such, I wanted to reflect not only the characters' individual qualities and talents, but also the flow of the game itself. I hope that the former is reflected by the characters' kits and the latter is reflected by The Exile's leader ability (as well as the Exile's Influence abilities each of the Lost Jedi have).

In essence, each Lost Jedi has an Exile's Influence ability that activates similarly to Bounty Hunter's Payouts. As the characters fight alongside The Exile, they progress towards their Influence Abilities (they "gain experience"), as described by Kreia herself in KotOR II. Once these abilities are activated, the characters visually transform into Jedi or Dark Jedi (perhaps at random, or perhaps exploited by another mechanic).

All abilites have been written as FINAL TEXT abilities (but, if implemented, would have scaling levels, naturally).

The Exile
Tags: Light Side, Leader, Support, Unaligned Force User, Lost Jedi

The Exile is the former lieutenant of Revan and served him with utmost loyalty in the Mandalorian Wars. The Exile was an uncanny leader, able to sway those under their command without even trying, and ultimately formed permanent attachments to her allies through the Force. At Malachor V, the Exile suffered a traumatic event after the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator and was cut off from the Force for many years... that was, until she captured on Peragus II and met the enigmatic Kreia.

Basic: Flexible Strike - Cooldown: 0

If The Exile does not have Lightsaber, deal physical damage to target enemy and grant 10% Turn Meter to random ally.
If The Exile has Lightsaber, she adopts a Lightsaber or Force Form dependent on target enemy's role, with additional effects. Deal special damage to target enemy.

  • Attacker: Shii-Cho: +10% Offense, +25% Defense.
  • Tank: Juyo: Basic attacks deal damage twice, bypass protection, and inflict Healing Immunity, which can't be evaded.
  • Support: Niman: +25% Accuracy, +10% Defense, +25% Tenacity.
  • Healer: Force Mastery: +25% Potency, -25% Tenacity, basic attacks inflict Ability Block.

Visual: The Exile uses a vibrosword (reasoning being that it's typically the first weapon you find in the game, plus you then don't have to duplicate animations).
Lightsaber color: random, or silver.

Special: Dual Strike - Cooldown: 2

Call ally and self to assist, dealing +20% damage. Each time an enemy is brought below 100% Health, reset the cooldown of this ability. Lost Jedi allies who are called to assist receive double progress towards Exile's Influence if their individual conditions are triggered by The Exile and/or them.

Special: Absorb Essence - Cooldown: 8

Instantly defeat target Influenced Lost Jedi ally, who can't be revived. Gain 50% of their Max Health, Max Protection, Speed, Offense, Defense, Potency, Crit Chance, and bonus Crit Damage until the end of the battle. Gain the effects of their Unique, non-Exile's Influence passive abilities until the end of the battle. Reset this ability's cooldown to 4. Reset the cooldown of Inspire Followers to 4.

When a Lost Jedi ally gains Influenced, the cooldown of this ability is reduced by 1.

Visually, this effect is similar to when the Exile consumes a Jedi Master's lifeforce in the game, as seen here.

Special: Inspire Followers - Cooldown: 8

All Lost Jedi allies have the stat bonuses accrued through their basic attacks doubled until the end of the battle. This effect stacks with itself. Then, call all Lost Jedi allies to assist. Reset this ability's cooldown to 4. Reset the cooldown of Absorb Essence to 4.

When a Lost Jedi ally gains Influenced, the cooldown of this ability is reduced by 1.

Leader: Natural Leader

One random Lost Jedi ally will assist whenever The Exile attacks or uses an ability. While The Exile is active, Lost Jedi allies may progress towards their Exile's Influence abilities. Whenever The Exile themself fulfils the condition of a Lost Jedi ally's Exile Influence ability, that ally gains progress points towards becoming Influenced as if they had fulfilled the condition themselves.

When an ally's progress towards an Exile's Influence ability reaches 100%, that ally gain the unique buff Influenced - which can't be copied or dispelled - and that ally visually transforms into a lighter or darker version of themselves. Then, both The Exile and that ally recover 100% Health and Protection.

While The Exile is active, all units cannot counter or be countered.

  • Influenced: This character's Exile's Influence ability has been unlocked, and they receive their Exile's Influence passive bonuses.

This ability is intended to reflect three things: (1) The Exile's ability to influence their companions through their actions; (2) the levelling mechanic of KotOR II, which is explained in-universe as The Exile's natural influence over others having an effect on their companions; (3) the sequential nature of the combat in KotOR II, which is enforced by the "no countering" rule of this ability.

Unique: Wound in the Force

All Jedi, Sith, and Unaligned Force Users have -20% Potency while The Exile is active. When The Exile is defeated, all Jedi, Sith, and Unaligned Force Users are stunned for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted, and have their protection permanently removed. All Jedi, Sith, and Unaligned Force Users then have their Potency reduced by 75% for the rest of the battle. The Exile cannot be revived. The effects of this ability don't trigger if The Exile's death is prevented by Visas Marr's Loyal Servant ability.

This is what Kreia always wanted: the death of the Force through the death of the Exile.

Fatal Bond

Allied Kreia receives any healing, protection recovery, buffs, and debuffs that The Exile receives, and vice versa. While allied Kreia is active, The Exile has 50% of her current Potency. While The Exile is active, allied Kreia receives 50% of The Exile's current Tenacity.

When allied Kreia dies, The Exile's Protection is permanently removed, their Max Health is reduced to 50% of its value, and then they are reduced to 50% Max Health. Allied Kreia cannot be revived.

Enemy Darth Traya cannot target The Exile, and The Exile cannot target enemy Darth Traya, unless there are no other valid targets (except for raid bosses).


Tags: Light Side, Tank, Unaligned Force User, Lost Jedi

Bao-Dur is a mechanic from Iridonia who served under The Exile during the Mandalorian Wars. After the destruction of Malachor - which the two of them saw to together - they became estranged for a long time before finally re-uniting on Telos many years later.
In that time, Bao-Dur lost his arm and replaced it with a bespoke repulsor fist capable of disrupting shields and other tech as well as obliterating droids - a pastime he enjoys while travelling with the Exile so as to vent his anger at the Mandalorians for what they did... and at himself.

Basic: Pent-up Strike - Cooldown: 0

If Bao-Dur does not have Lightsaber, deal physical damage to target enemy, doubled against droids.
If Bao-Dur has Lightsaber, then deal special damage to target enemy, doubled against Mandalorians, and gain +20% Defense until the end of the battle. This stat gain persists through death.

Bao-Dur taunts for 2 turns. If Bao-Dur is Influenced, this taunt cannot be dispelled.

Visual: Bao-Dur uses his fists to attack.
Lightsaber color: blue, or red if he transformed into a dark Jedi.

Special: Repulsor Strike - Cooldown: 2
Dispel all buffs on target enemy and deal special damage. Droids are stunned for 1 turn, which cannot be resisted. Inflict Daze on non-droids for 1 turn.

Construct Lightsaber - Cooldown: 3 (Unusable until Influenced)
Give target Lost Jedi ally with Influenced - or target ally The Exile or Kreia - the unique Lightsaber buff, which modifies their abilities. When an enemy Jedi, Sith, or Unaligned Force User is defeated, the cooldown of this ability is reset. The first time Bao-Dur becomes Influenced, the cooldown of this ability is reset.

  • Lightsaber: This character wields their own personal lightsaber, modifying the effects of their abilities.

Unlike other Lost Jedi, Bao-Dur is a bit limited in what Force abilities he can use. However, if there's one thing he gets really good at, it's building lightsabers.
Visually, the target ally receives a lightsaber color that is dependent on the character, detailed under their basic abilities.

Unique: Mass Shadow Mechanic
Bao-Dur receives 10% less damage from and deals 10% extra damage to enemy Jedi, Sith, Unaligned Force Users, and Mandalorians. Bao-Dur is immune to Target Lock. While Bao-Dur is Influenced, The Exile also has these bonuses.

Unique: Exile's Influence: You're Still Missing a Lens
When Bao-Dur inflicts Daze or Stun, or when he damages an enemy while taunting, he gains 25% progress towards becoming Influenced.

When Bao-Dur becomes Influenced, he gains the ability Construct Lightsaber until the end of the battle. Additionally, Bao-Dur gains +50% Max Health and +50% Protection.

Visual: unlike other Lost Jedi allies, Bao-Dur's appearance does not change (as he cannot wear robes due to his arm).


Atton Rand
Tags: Light Side, Support, Unaligned Force User, Lost Jedi

Atton Rand may seem like your stereotypical silver-tongued scoundrel to begin with, but in a past life, he was a tenacious hunter trained to kill Jedi both on and off the battlefield. With a spirit that refuses to die, Atton Rand joins up with the Exile and eventually reveals his past to them, and even teaches the Exile how to better defend themselves against the Force attacks of the Jedi and Sith alike.

Basic: More Where That Came From - Cooldown: 0
If Atton does not have Lightsaber, deal physical damage to target enemy with a 75% chance to attack again, increased to 100% if target enemy has Speed Down. Each attack inflicts Speed Down for 2 turns.
If Atton Rand has Lightsaber, deal special damage to target enemy, inflict Tenacity Down for 2 turns, and gain +10% Crit Damage until the end of the battle. This stat gain persists through death.

Visual: Atton wields two blaster pistols if he doesn't have Lightsaber.
Lightsaber color: yellow, or violet if he transformed into a dark Jedi.

Special: Scoundrel's Luck - Cooldown: 2
Launch an ambitious attack with a 50% chance to miss.
If Atton does not have Lightsaber, deal double physical damage to target enemy if they are Stunned.
If Atton has Lightsaber, deal triple special damage to target enemy if they are stunned, and this attack cannot be evaded.

Special: Force Push - Cooldown: 3 (Unusable until Influenced)
Inflict Stagger on target enemy. If enemy is already Staggered, inflict Stun.

Unique: Spirit
When Atton is defeated, he is immediately revived at 25% Max Health and 0% Turn Meter as long as there is one other active Lost Jedi ally.

Unique: Pure Pazaak
Atton Rand has +30% Tenacity for each enemy Jedi, Sith, and Unaligned Force User. While Atton Rand has Lightsaber, his Crit Chance is doubled. If Atton has Influenced, The Exile also gains the effects of this ability.

Unique: Exile's Influence: Jedi Hunter

When Atton Rand critically hits, he gains 5% progress towards becoming Influenced.

When Atton Rand becomes Influenced, he gains +50% Potency and enemy Jedi, Sith, and Unaligned Force Users are inflicted with Tenacity Down for 3 turns, which cannot be evaded, resisted, or dispelled. Atton becomes immune to Stun and Fear for the rest of the battle. Additionally, Atton gains the ability Force Stun.


The Disciple
Tags: Light Side, Healer, Unaligned Force User, Lost Jedi

The Disciple is, as his name suggests, a former student of The Exile and eagerly pledges his allegiance to The Exile when he is discovered amidst the ruins of the former Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. He aspires to be like The Exile, who he admires with all his heart, and assists the party with his knowledge of the Republic (and its shortcomings), the Force, and his ability to heal the body and mind.

Basic: Pensive Strike - Cooldown: 0
If The Disciple does not have Lightsaber, deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to call a random Lost Jedi ally to assist.
If The Disciple has Lightsaber, all allies recover 10% of The Disciple's Max Health and he gains +20% Potency until the end of the battle. This stat gain persists through death.

Visual: the Disciple uses a vibrosword if he doesn't have Lightsaber.
Lightsaber color: green, or violet if he transformed into a dark Jedi.

Special: Heal - Cooldown: 3
Target ally recovers Health equal to 50% of The Disciple's Max Health and receives Defense Up and Protection Up (30%) for 3 turns.

Visual: when not Influenced, he applies a medpac to the ally. When Influenced, he uses Force Heal.

Special: Force Revitalize - Cooldown: 5
Revive all defeated Lost Jedi allies at 40% Health, doubled for Lost Jedi allies with Influenced. Then, all Lost Jedi have their Health equalised.

Unique: Republic Historian
The Disciple's attacks have a 50% chance to dispel a random debuff from a random ally. When a Light Side ally deals damage to an enemy, The Disciple inflicts a random debuff on that enemy (Speed Down, Tenacity Down, Crit Chance Down, Potency Down, Ability Block) for 1 turn. When a Light Side ally receives damage while The Disciple is active, they receive one random buff (Speed Up, Tenacity Up, Crit Chance Up, Potency Up) for 1 turn. If the Disciple is Influenced, The Exile also gains the effects of this abillity.

Unique: Exile's Influence: Former Student

Whenever The Disciple inflicts a debuff, he receives 5% progress towards becoming Influenced.

When The Disciple becomes Influenced, The Disciple receives +30% Max Health and the cooldown on Heal is immediately reset. Additionally, he gains the ability Force Revitalize until the end of the battle.


The Handmaiden
Tags: Light Side, Attacker, Unaligned Force User, Lost Jedi

The Handmaiden is an exceptional hand-to-hand fighter due to her Echani heritage and extensive training. Her motions on the battlefield are as fluid as a dance and she often leaves enemies reeling before they even know what hit them. Upon discovering The Exile, she sneaks aboard their ship and pledges herself to them, even going so far as to spar with them and train them in Echani combat techniques. It isn't long after that she discovers who she truly is: the daughter of a powerful Echani Jedi.

Basic: Echani Strike - Cooldown: 0
If The Handmaiden does not have Lightsaber, deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict Stagger and Expose for 2 turns.
If The Handmaiden has Lightsaber, deal special damage to target enemy twice and inflict Stagger and Expose for 1 turn, and she gains +20% Offense until the end of the battle. This stat gain persists through death.

Visual: The Handmaiden uses her fists to attack if she does not have Lightsaber.
Lightsaber color: blue, double-bladed; or red, double-bladed if she transformed into a dark Jedi.

Special: Battle Dance - Cooldown: 3
The Handmaiden gains Evasion Up for 2 turns and 25% Turn Meter. If The Handmaiden does not have Lightsaber, she also gains Potency Up for 2 turns. If The Handmaiden has Lightsaber, she gains Offense Up for 2 turns. If The Handmaiden is Influenced, The Exile also gains these effects. Then, inflict Accuracy Down on all enemies for 2 turns, which can't be evaded.

Special: Force Speed - Cooldown: 3
The Handmaiden grants target ally the unique buff Speed for 1 turn, which cannot be copied or dispelled.

  • Speed: Character gains an immediate bonus turn after using any ability.

Unique: Echani Warrior
The Handmaiden gains 25% Turn Meter whenever she evades. If The Handmaiden is Influenced, The Exile also gains the effect of this ability.

Unique: Exile's Influence: Jedi Heritage
Whenever The Handmaiden evades or damages an enemy while she has Evasion Up, she gains 5% progress towards her Influence Ability.

When The Handmaiden becomes Influenced, she receives +100% Offense and +50% Evasion until the rest of the battle. These stat gains persist through death. Additionally, she gains the ability Force Speed until the rest of the battle.


Tags: Light Side, Support, Unaligned Force User, Lost Jedi, Mandalorian, Bounty Hunter, Scoundrel

Mira is an interesting character in that she is one of the few Mandalorians to explore her Force sensitivity. As a bounty hunter, she specialised in capturing her targets without killing them. As a Jedi, she offered the Exile her underworld knowledge just as she became a powerful asset to the team in combat.

Basic: Hunter's Strike - Cooldown: 0
If target enemy is a Scoundrel, Jedi, Sith, or Unaligned Force User, gain Crit Damage Up for 1 turn.
If Mira does not have Lightsaber, deal physical damage to target enemy. If the enemy is Stunned, deal damage again.
If Mira has Lightsaber, deal special damage to target enemy. If the enemy is Stunned, deal damage again, inflict Tenacity Down, and gain +10% Crit Damage until the rest of the battle. This stat gain persists through death.

Visual: Mira uses a blaster pistol if she does not have Lightsaber.
Lightsaber color: yellow, or violet if she transformed into a dark Jedi.

Special: Wrist Launcher - Cooldown: 3
If target enemy is Stunned, fire a plasma rocket, damaging all enemies and inflicting Burning for 2 turns. Otherwise, fire a dart at target enemy, inflicting Ability Block for 1 turn. If target was already Ability Blocked, inflict Stun for 2 turns.

Special: Throw Lightsaber - Cooldown: 3
If Mira does not have Lightsaber, this attack fails and she gains 20% Turn Meter.
If Mira has Lightsaber, deal damage to all enemies and inflict Armor Shred.

Unique: Huntress
Mira deals +25% more damage against Scoundrels, Jedi, Sith, and Unaligned Force Users, and takes 50% less damage from AoE attacks. If Mira is Influenced, the Exile also gains the effects of this ability.

Exile's Influence: Mandalorian Sentinel
Whenever Mira critically hits or inflicts Stun, she gains 5% progress towards becoming Influenced.

When Mira becomes Influenced, her attacks against enemies affected by Armor Shred cannot be evaded and always critically hit. Mira becomes immune to Stun and Fear. Additionally, she gains the ability Throw Lightsaber.

Mira's Payout
Whenever Mira receives Rewards from a Contract, she also gains the following Payout. (Contracts are granted by certain Bounty Hunter Leader Abilities.)

Payout: Mira gains Stealth for 2 turns and her Wrist Launcher ability inflicts Armor Shred on affected enemies.


Tags: Light Side, Support, Unaligned Force User

Unique amongst the Exile's followers, Kreia has the ability to use the Force but is not one of the Lost Jedi. She was a mentor to the Exile who helped them to re-establish their connection to the Force at the cost of being fatally bonded to them. She showed great disdain towards the Exile's other companions - perhaps out of jealously - and sought only one thing: the death of the Force. She hoped to meet those ends through the Exile, regardless of whether the Exile was willing to help.

Basic: Duplicitous Strike - Cooldown: 0
If Kreia does not have Lightsaber, she deals physical damage to target enemy.
If Kreia has Lightsaber, she deals special damage to target enemy.
If Kreia is Stealthed, this attack ignores taunt, cannot be evaded, and inflicts Confuse for 1 turn.

Visually: Kreia uses a vibrosword if she does not have Lightsaber.
Lightsaber color: green.

Special: Lecture - Cooldown: 4
Kreia copies a random buff from target ally, which lasts for 4 turns and cannot be dispelled, then the buff is dispelled from the target ally and they gain the opposing debuff, which cannot be evaded or resisted. If The Exile is in the leader slot, and not the ally slot, they gain this buff as per Fatal Bond.

Special: Force Camouflage - Cooldown: 2
Kreia gains Stealth for 2 turns. Target ally gains 25% Turn Meter.

Unique: Mentor
When The Exile is in the leader slot, and not the ally slot, The Exile has a 50% chance to assist whenever Kreia uses an ability. Whenever a Lost Jedi ally gains Influenced, Kreia loses 30% Potency and 30% Tenacity.


Visas Marr (Rework)
Tags: Light Side, Support, Unaligned Force User, Lost Jedi

Originally sent to capture or kill the Exile by her dark master, Darth Nihilus, Visas Marr is beaten by the Exile and is awed by their power. She swiftly becomes a devoted ally who would do anything to see the Exile's mission succeed. However, her connection to her original master persists during her travels with the Exile - a connection that can be exploited to the Exile's advantage, should they will it.

Basic: Devoted Strike - Cooldown: 0
If Visas does not have Lightsaber, deal physical damage to enemy and gain Foresight for 1 turn.
If Visas has Lightsaber, deal special damage to enemy - doubled if she has Foresight - and gain +10% Crit Damage until the rest of the battle. This stat gain persists through death.

Visual: Visas uses a vibrosword if she does not have Lightsaber.
Lightsaber color: yellow, or red.

Special: Call of the Void - Cooldown: 3
Visas loses 20% Max Health, then gains +20% Offense for the rest of the battle. This stat gain persists through death. Whenever a Lost Jedi ally is defeated, the cooldown of this ability is reset.

Special: Sight Shock - Cooldown: 3
Visas inflicts Blind on all enemies, which can't be evaded. Target ally gains Foresight for 2 turns. If Visas has Lightsaber, gain a bonus attack on target enemy, which can't be evaded and has +200 Defense Penetration.

Unique: Miraluka Sight
Visas is immune to Blind. Visas can attack Stealthed enemies. If Visas is Influenced, The Exile also gains the effects of this ability.

Exile's Influence: Loyal Servant
Whenever Visas gains Foresight or attacks a Stealthed enemy, she gains 5% progress towards becoming Influenced.

When Visas becomes Influenced, she gains the following effect:

If The Exile is in the leader slot and not the ally slot, the first time The Exile is defeated, Visas will be defeated and cannot be revived, and The Exile will be revived with 100% Health and Protection and Critical Immunity for 3 turns, which cannot be dispelled. The Exile then becomes immune to "instantly defeat" effects. This effect does not trigger if Visas is killed with Absorb Essence.

Additionally, Visas gains Sight Shock until the end of the battle.

Visual: similarly to Bao-Dur, Visas does not visually change when she becomes Influenced.


This faction would have a fair degree of flexibility in who you bring into battle, as each companion offers The Exile different abilities through their Uniques, and each has a different array of abilities that can face many opponents. In most configurations, they would be viable against Jedi, Sith, and Unaligned Force Users - a reflection of the Exile's mission to re-unite (or destroy) the Jedi Masters in the game, and the fact that they are being hunted by Sith. Their effectiveness against this faction would also keep them pretty viable in the current meta (think about GLs, JKL, CAT, Maul, Rey, etc.).

Additionally, Mira is a Mandalorian and a Bounty Hunter, giving her extended synergy.

Let me know what you think! Is this something you'd like to see in-game? Did I do a decent job at reflecting the heart of the characters as well as the core features of KotOR II? This took me many, many hours, so feel free to comment below!
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