Forum Discussion
20 Replies
- r35zy8d7tdgx6 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I totally agree. "Here's a team you need for a raid. Spend money to get it now because if you try to go F2P, by the next time it comes around, we will have a new raid out for you to chase"
- Rius_9755181996 months agoRising Hotshot
The first run always requires paying. The second run, was possible F2P in early August. That was in 3 months of the raid launch giving 6 months of the character usage. Also you don’t need Jar Jar to max score with gungans. I am still 4 manning gungans as I try to prioritise my relics to boost my score overall and I unlocked Jar Jar in the second run.
- Persimius6 months agoSeasoned Ace
Not only is it not demoralizing, but it's also the "standard" cadence for Legendary events and has been for years. Insofar as any actual cadence exists, anyway.
Besides, you can easily get 2.7M in the raid with just the 4 marquee Gungans, JJ not needed.
- Thorvald46 months agoNew Scout
It’s not the standard. They have been running the Mandalore event monthly since they released it.
- Rius_9755181996 months agoRising Hotshot
Battle for Madalore has previously been remarked on being unusual, I am not sure why it was so frequent but no one’s complaining. Bombad General is already much more frequent and sign posted than usual making these the two most accessible from events. Certainly can not base expectations of Bombad General from a single event with the precedent of all other events in mind. I would say they tried to improve on Dark times (GI) with the complaints they received, as all three of these characters are linked to TB/raid events the usual precedence beforehand seems brutal as it limits new content. But whilst Battle for Madalore was frequent, it was not as well communicated as Bombad General. If they had of done I would have started much earlier but I had previously decided after GI not to chase until they enter journey guide permanently. So the only commonality is they can not please everyone and they still need to figure out how best to balance marketing to ensure initial profits on new releases and accessibility for lower spenders and FTP.
- Persimius6 months agoSeasoned Ace
Mandalore event is an EC, not a Legendary, so different cadence anyway.
- MasterSeedy6 months agoSeasoned Ace
I'm not really sure how people do max with 4 Gungans, but obviously it can be done, so just learn that strategy for now.
As for the overall cadence, I'm of the opinion that it should have had a 2nd go a little earlier -- just a few weeks. After the new raid launched, but before the end of the first 30 days of the new raid. Anytime between day 20 and day 28 would have been fine. The early adopters got a bonus in terms of using the Gungan datacrons, and of course any team functions best during the early period before there are tons of videos and strategy guides on how to beat it. But JarJar obviously helps quite a bit and I would have liked to see him ready earlier in the raid.
That said, they were close to my preferred timeline, so I don't worry about it. Most of these events require a bit more than 3 months to cycle around. You might be a newer player, but 90-115 days is all pretty much normal. Earlier has happened, later has happened, but JarJar is in the normal range.
- 1jd3ld6fb1755 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
If it comes back in November, I will definitely quit. CG is a group of developers with the skills of an intern: in over 30 years of gaming I have never seen such clumsy developers. Let's leave aside the bugs and glitches that the game is full of, and there are some years old ones that they don't even fix. The meta development line combined with datacrons is so insane that it caused yet another mass quit. I started playing when the game was 3 months old, I have the full roster (except Jar Jar) and right now my guild is 5th in the world rankings of TW, and now, like 90% of the time, I see excellent players (and definitely P4W) quitting because of the foolish defenses of the developers. I was a tester and playtester of DoA in 2010 and I sincerely propose to do it in this case too, but from what I see, given the ineptitude of the developers, CG has surrounded itself with yesmen, or even worse chronic bunglers like Ahnaldt... And in the meantime it loses millions causing at least 1 mass quit per year. And we are only a couple of years away from the massive mass quit that destroyed a lot of pro guilds in the game. Their current philosophy is to throw out teams in abundance, with a combined datacron that makes them seem much stronger than they are (for less experienced players), and that forces you to immediately have both the Relics team and the Datacron with level 3,6,9 and sometimes even all the intermediate levels as they say, otherwise you are cut off from the game. Today in GA I met a total bungler, who however had the Gungan R9 modded really hardcore, and a datacron for which he also took care of the secondary parameters. I failed to pass with BKM (my team is heavily modded and is R7-R9), I failed to pass with Leia including Jyn/Raddus in the team to avoid heavy damage and I was mounting bulk Datacron, and I failed to break the team trying with SEE + Traya, because with the shield active not even Annihilate worked. It also happened with PObi R9 modified CD with his Datacron: I left Bane, Leia, SEE and Reva there without even scratching them. With these datacrons we are bordering on delirium, they have completely removed the strategy and they should have done faster to write "you can only win if you pay 200 dollars" instead of throwing out obscene characters and kitting them as if they were gods. I can understand PObi on one hand, but Jar Jar is the stupidest, most useless and hated character in the saga. The shots against a quintet of legendary Sith or Jedi? Well, this is your business friend, this is not a game, it's a crate. If you want to win, you pay. The serious thing is that they include in the delirium only the players who pay immediately and every time. If you skip the "tube" they ask you, you are out of the game for at least 3 months ... And in fact they lose the players who invested in their profile and for desire, economic need or time, did not pay the last bribe and after 3 months of defeats against the rookies, they quit ... And the CG is so foolish that it does not understand that in addition to losing paying players who lost a stage, it continues to sink its own work .... Anyway, since we are already on the subject, and if you still do not know, if you find yourself against Leia GL, use the team: Leia Organa Officer (lead) and then of your choice CLS, ChePO, Sana Starros, Cpt Rex, Cassian, mount the cron supports the one with level 6 + 10% tenacity, 10% bla bla, 10% bla bla bla etc ... And put the machine in basic attack mode. Yet another view of the CG. Maybe it will help them understand that building DCs that buff your attack instead of making you completely invulnerable on defense is a better way to avoid doing damage when mixing variables and RNG.
- CaptainAhen5 months agoNew Vanguard
This is accurate. I'm F2P and the moment JJ was announced I stopped giving out any gear, omi/zeta mats, and saved crystals until I could speed farm as the Gungans were released to nodes. Then additional crystals were used for gear to help build them up. Was able to unlock JJ in the August event. Once I unlocked him I was able to take him right to r6 and max his abilities. Once that task was finished I had so much leftover gear I was able to take all JKCK requirements from g1-g12, and unlocked him about a week later.
It's a very boring way to play for awhile, but when you have the newest character to use early on and they're relic'd with max abilities, it's really helpful. I used this same tactic with GI, GLeia, Jabba. Very helpful to be able to coast through a few months without many people able knowing how to beat them.
- Skysteps015 months agoRising Novice
Well said
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