Forum Discussion

zackism1983's avatar
New Novice
2 years ago

Kyber 1

Will this division even exist in a year? Seems like they shrink 50-100 points from my rating each round.

They list rewards for Kyber 1 - 1,000+, but are there even currently over 1,000 in Kyber?

When will the skill squish end CG, when Kyber 1’s down to 100? 50? 25?
  • Knewonce's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Correct. And tomorrow after the first round ends and the squish actually changes divisions, people there will be something like 1250 players in K1. It’ll increase slightly each round till the season ends and the squish shrinks it again.

    "wildnz;c-2424239" wrote:
    It's way less than 1868. I can see rank 1146 has 3600 points. Like me squished to 3598 the game shows me in K1 , but I'm matched in a group that is actually in K2. The true numbers update after round one. The raw numbers are one thing , but the fact that you can be top 300 and if you lose two matches you get relegated is the bigger Issue imo.

  • Knewonce's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    I like using the actual number of players with the Kyber rank at season start for a couple reasons. First we get official numbers that don’t change based on when someone took a screenshot so they’re a bit more reliable as a comparison point. Second we get them every single season in a nice graphic on server, so it’s the best way to see season to season how quick K1 is shrinking.

    And while I agree it’s good to continue to ask CG exactly what they’re doing, it is worth pointing out K1 is shrinking slower than it used to, if for no other reason than to acknowledge that even if it’s not emptying as fast as some folks predicted 4 months ago, it’s still dwindling.

    "Ragnarok_COTF;c-2424258" wrote:
    Re: number of K1 players. I don't understand how your data is better than looking at the leaderboard ranking of someone with 3610 SR. You even said yourself that it includes people still inK1 that have been squished out of the SR range.

    I generally agree with your statement about "how the system works". I hadn't thought of it that way before.

    Nevertheless, K1 is being shrunk faster by CG than the distribution/system is re-inflating it. And I think it would be nice if CG addressed (or at least acknowledged) the issue.