I thought Aurra Sing was this big step in a new direction that had amazing potential.
A toon with abilities and zetas that had to potential to be amazing in raids and future raids (people now saying a new raid won't have topple) but not being Arena worthy....
This could have sent things in a whole new awesome direction... People who wanted to beat HAAT and HSTR would be able to get these toons and drop gear and zetas on them to help their guild beat a raid...
I thought more of these toons were going to be the future... raid toons vs Arena toons....
Then JKR came trivialized HSTR, trivialized Arena....god amonst everything.... and now to ensure arena profits keep coming in teams are needed to beat him and then beat that which beats him and so on.....
No reason to invest in a toon for a raid now...
One could say now Aurra was the biggest waste of resources i ever had in the game.... With arena teams being what they are now.... I dont' think I would EVER invest in a toon with raid specialty like aurra again.
Would take a future raid with new characters with raid only specialties to get me to possibly invest money into which just leads us down the rabbit hole of JTR/NS phases of the raid..that will eventually become trivialized by the next big arena toons or something...
seems like it always comes back to revan.... heck he is a QOL improvement when it comes to raids...can't complain about him other than in the current state of PVE in the game..why would we need to spend on anyone else long as he is around :)
That's the hurdle right now for the game...content that revans do not trivialize that needs us to spend on new toons......seems like a crazy hurdle