Forum Discussion

byrdka's avatar
7 years ago

Latest Update - Now Safe but what about IPhone?

This suggests only Android users are getting the update today.
  • People are curious. Doesn’t hurt to ask. Why keeping telling people to be patient? Let them ask. I would love to know the answers as well
  • It's basically just a ui update for the time being. Major update follows, just be patient.
  • "Luke2310;c-1553917" wrote:
    @CG_RyDiggs @CG_Carrie @CG_SBCrumb any idea when the iPhone update will be out?

    this week, be patient. New content won't be available even if you download it today.
  • Iy4oy4s's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "SandurzGoH;c-1554046" wrote:
    iOS update is live

  • Not sure why most, if not all of my guild has the new update. Must work ok, nothing passed on discord because they are using the in game chat. I wouldn’t know!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed all raid commands, can’t see them without the update. NO, I’m not new either, been playing since Dec 2016 and my gp is 2.8 million as well as being an officer in my guild. So please don’t send back for me to go to the App Store and force the update. I did that! Nothing!! Frustrated!!! You couldn’t begin to imagine. Quality of life? Not improving mine I know that. Why couldn’t you make everyone’s update at the same time? Make too much sense? I have shoveled a lot of money at this game, since you’ve ruined my chance at rewards for the raid I feel you owe me something. I have never said that for anything. But this? It’s an update, it has happened many times since I started playing, never like this!! EA management, you all should be fired, I haven’t heard people bitch this much since for the entire time I have been playing. You’re going to start losing big fish. I would say good luck, but this was on purpose. Unbelievable!!! As long as EA and Disney make money though.
  • It’s live? Funny I’m on an iPhone. Still the same broken game as it was yesterday and the day before.