Forum Discussion

f2dbefbd29d8a79d's avatar
New Traveler
2 hours ago

Lead placement

Hi. I've been playing for quite a while, close to game launch, multiple accounts.... I got a question lol. I have always been performing under the assumption that when you kill the lead toon ONLY, the next toon in the lineup becomes the "lead" in the next battle attempt. For example, killing a Great Mothers lead and Ventress is the second toon in the lineup. The second battle would trigger her lead ability, correct? Or have I been living a long conspiracy lie this whole time? Haha. Genuinely curious if anyone knows for a fact.

  • Um, killing the leader in the first battle means that there isn't a leader anymore.

  • You're spot on! When you defeat the lead toon, the next toon in the lineup becomes the new lead for the following battle. So if you take down Great Mother, Ventress would indeed trigger her lead ability in the next fight. No conspiracy hereā€”just a solid game mechanic!