Forum Discussion

TrySpinning's avatar
5 years ago

Little Missed opportunities

Watching through some Star Wars on the disney stream today just makes me notice little missed opportunities in the game.
Just little things like skill names, and the fact that there is no Gungan Faction (Theysin havin a GRAND army).

Anakin's Starfighter's basic should be called "A Good Trick" rather than "Locked On", because the animation has him try spinning. For Jedi Knight Anakin himself, Righteous Fury could be "Always on the Move" (would fit what the skill actually does more since it's bonus turns)
General Kenobi's skills don't reference high ground. not sure where it'd be.
Mace Windu has no skills referencing parties being over.
Stormtrooper Han's basic could be "Boring Conversation Anyway"
Captain Han Solo's res could be "That's Two You Owe Me"

I realize this is all just silliness and cosmetic, but it's fun to think of.
But can anyone think of any others?