Forum Discussion

T3MP3STXST0RM's avatar
2 years ago

Lord Vader Patch

I'm suggesting we have a petition to get CG to patch Lord Vader. The fact that he needs 2 lifters to stay relevant while SEE, SLKR, & JMLS have still yet to get lifters shows he's barely a GL in title.

I suggest a rework of his current kit, He is the most expensive GL, He is the chosen one with the power boost of having freshly embraced the dark side (within lore comes with a temporary power boost), and this one the most iconic characters from Star Wars.

My suggestion for a rework is simple too.

I think the only thing that needs to be changed is his DOT's. Instead having generic damage over times, give him a unique debuff (let's call it "scorched" for this example) where it does the same damage as DOT, except the damage can't be resisted or reduced (think Kylo's and other GL's), and when cleansed it becomes regular damage over time and maybe healing immunity if you're feeling cheeky, but shifting to DOT's on cleanse definitely.

This would simultaneously shut down his off meta counters and make him FAAAARRR more impactful when fighting other GL's.
  • Hard pass. I’d rather have CG spend what time they spend on development, which is probably minimal let’s face it, on reworking a toon who represents a character that was in the movies for about 20mins and was, let’s face it, a child killing weenie. If they’re going to make a kick-butt Vader I’d much rather they rework DV.

    On top of this, LV is actually not that bad, even without lifter he can be hard to beat on def and is strong in attack. He is by no means the weakest of the GLs, far from it.

    As for the other GLs you mentioned, SEE, who is supposedly all the sith, is in much greater need of a rework/support than LV. He’s as effective as a wet tissue on defence and struggles to beat most other GLs in attack.
  • I’d rather SEE get both a kit touchup and a lifter. So many parts of his kit don’t accomplish what they’re supposed to, and even he stays in his niche of duoing things with Wat, it would be nice to have a lifter that can replace him.
  • I would agree with all that Notthatguyfrombefore said, except that SEE struggles to beat most other GLs in attack. As a sole SEE owner myself, the only GLs I struggle against is Jabba or LV.

    Would love to see both DV and SEE reworks though.
  • "Notthatguyfrombefore;c-2431057" wrote:
    Hard pass. I’d rather have CG spend what time they spend on development, which is probably minimal let’s face it, on reworking a toon who represents a character that was in the movies for about 20mins and was, let’s face it, a child killing weenie. If they’re going to make a kick-**** Vader I’d much rather they rework DV.

    On top of this, LV is actually not that bad, even without lifter he can be hard to beat on def and is strong in attack. He is by no means the weakest of the GLs, far from it.

    As for the other GLs you mentioned, SEE, who is supposedly all the sith, is in much greater need of a rework/support than LV. He’s as effective as a wet tissue on defence and struggles to beat most other GLs in attack.

    He killed numerous Jedi in the Temple and the whole Separatist leadership. Who did he kill in Episodes 4-6? A sacrificial Old Ben? His own commanders? A distracted old Palpatine? Episode 3 LV is stronger and more powerful than cyborg DV.

    PS: SEE does need a lifter unit.
  • He killed plenty of people as cyborg DV as well, not to mention crush an AT-AT, and lots of other things, they just weren't depicted in the films.
  • LV gets some pretty killer DCs. He still reigns in my arena shard (yes, I know it's a bit irrelevant these days but it shows how strong he still is).
  • Giving LV DOT damage that can't be mitigated or properly cleansed would probably destroy the game. Hard pass. He's already very, very good.
  • "VaderAteMyHomework;c-2431070" wrote:
    LV is the meta in my arena shard. Not sure why he needs any buffs…

    Try to beat LV, Vader, mail, RG, Reva. It’s basically impossible.

    sa is irrelevant
  • @WookieWookie incentivising more people to push for the highest requirements GL would be bad for the economy of the game? Having him FEEL like the most expensive GL would be bad for the meta? Lol your logic is full of holes. Secondly I don't even have LV on my main account. So I'm making a suggestion that would actively make my GAC's harder. You speak from places of ignorance.

    @Notthatguyfrombefore your argument boils down to your opinion of Anakin as a character. Not the state of the GL that requires a vast resource gap even compared to the other GL's. Hand nullifies your statements.

    @VaderAteMyHomework that arena comp is something you'll never see in GAC. LV only that nasty with Reva this most broken character in the game this far and is not a good example of LV's power. Considering what the top 5% of players can build that comp.
  • @iMalevolence my suggestion left them able to be cleansed. And that's the beauty about this post. IT'S A SUGGESTION. The point was to shut down Fennec, shut down Traya, and not have to auto the attacks with him just to get through the battle within timer.