Forum Discussion

q6fou700b70d's avatar
2 years ago

Lord Vader team comps

So I'm getting close on having the prerequisites finished for LV and will have maul by the time I unlock him, I was wondering if the best team would be

Lord Vader,Darth Vader,royal guard,piet,maul

Or if you guys had any better suggestions for team comp,I do want to try to keep palps and mara Jade away as they are being used with starkiller but other than that anything goes I guess

2 Replies

  • I'm working on the requirements at the moment, I'll probably run Thrawn with him instead of Piett because I'll keep Piett with my troopers.
  • This is my current arena team with LV, which can hold its own on defense and can sometimes win on auto for offense. If your guild isn’t getting many Reva shards, then this squad may be a stretch. Otherwise, if you have the datacron to give protection up for dot’s, then LV, DV, RG, 9th ( good for a double tank ), and Maul would be good to run. Without 9th, then you could add Thrawn to keep LV going more often.