Forum Discussion

xjrkdda7f8ms's avatar
New Novice
12 hours ago

Luminara Raid Battle

I've been doing this battle every raid at Relic 5 level since the raid launched and it takes anywhere between 20 minutes and 12 hours of gameplay each time.

Anyway here's my point, I love SWGOH but this battle is seriously irritating, I'm actually annoyed at how much of my time is wasted running way too many attempts.


Now I understand that the raid is out and its not going to change but in future can we try to make having a fun a priority. High requirements (I'm referring to R8-9 not my own R5) etc fine but let me have fun once I'm there, it's a game after all. I shouldn't want to throw my phone over the horizon after playing.


Another release like this and it might finally be time to make that healthy decision and let the saber rest.

  • CaptainAhen's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    There's not a single person in my guild who defends how fun raids are. Every single one of us are frustrated at the amount of time we put into it and are annoyed when it starts up. If you've seen me on other threads you'll know that I'm a big advocate for being able to SIM the raid, and other features that don't yet have the capability. And when it overlaps with other time consuming events, like conquest and a day that I've just run Profundity or Struggler's Run II, it's such a chore and hard to find motivation to even attempt it. 

  • I'm not sure why they don't change this raid - the feedback is always the same. This raid cost way too much time, is too much rng. Why we have a forum? It seems the posts are useless... I hope the next raid will be better...

    When CG can't design a raid perhaps it's time to stop the developing of raids. No one wants to play a game mode where you have to watch the insane health/protection recovery and endless turns for the enemy. This raid is totally trash. 

  • For people who have specific ideas about how to make raids in general more fun and less RNG dependent, there's a thread to collect those ideas:


  • For me it's the Maul battle (R7) that makes me want to throw my phone through the window. I got the hang of the strategy, and my mods are decent (not god-tier, but not pathetic either), but with all that healing back to full health and protection, the enemies constantly outspeeding me (especially when a wave with STAP in it starts) and getting bonus turns because of the modifier is really taking its toll on my sanity.

    Otherwise, yeah, I agree with what you said. There is so much RNG in this raid it's not even funny. As the difficulty increases with each tier, so should the bonuses (tier and hero) be decent enough to balance it out while still making it feel like a challenge. But just look at the hero bonuses, for example, they're downright pathetic compared to what we had in the Krayt raid. And take the Lumi team, it relies extremely on having both HoT and Potency Up to work, yet the moment the enemy gets the bonus turn modifier, you either end up with one of your toons (in most of my battles, QGJ) dead or you have a hard time keeping those buffs on because of how often the Command droid goes and uses his special (which FYI is bugged in terms of cooldowns, it's supposed to have a 3-turn cooldown, yet each time the droid uses that special it instantly starts at 2).

    The Krayt raid was very good, it had new yet easy to understand mechanics, the difficulty was reasonable on any tier because of the bonuses. The only downside was that it ran too often at the time, and thankfully CG actually listened and decided to fix that. But ever since then, the raids have been nothing but ridiculous. The execution I mean. The ideas and themes at least were interesting.

  • Thorvald4's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    How is it taking you that much time to do the Raid? Who are you using with her? I use Lumi, Kit, Shaak, KAM and Plo. With those guys I get the full 1.2 every time and it only takes me maybe 10 mins or less each time. 

    • CaptainAhen's avatar
      Rising Traveler

      My Gungans can net me 1.2m, but the problem is that it's not just a one and done attempt. The other night it took me well over an hour worth of attempts. Due to the constant healing and shooting from the droids, plus the cutscenes between waves, and usually being defeated on the final wave - it's time consuming. I might have a week where I beat it on the first run, and another week I barely get half of the desired score for several attempts. I won't even think about adding the time to manually do my attempts. 

    • DUNCAN1919's avatar
      Seasoned Traveler


      Just everytime I see a video about the 1.2m for Lumi I can't help but stick KAM and Shaak in the spare Jedi team to try and eek out a little bit more and take 900k on Lumi.

    • Rius_975518199's avatar
      Seasoned Traveler

      That’s the same line up I use with the same result. I think some are stretching Jedi and using different line ups.

      • DUNCAN1919's avatar
        Seasoned Traveler

        Mentioned above similar and  you are spot on.

        You can def assure the 1.2m with the optimum lineup but for myself I spread them to get the 6.2m reward:

        Gunghans 1.8m

        Amidala 1.8m

        Lumi 900k (without Shaak and KAM)

        Spare jedi (with Shaak and KAM) 900k

        B2 Maul etc 900k

        If I dont put Shaak and KAM with the spare Jedi Im a little bit short, but find the above can be done with no retries.

  • I have notified my guild that until we need the points to make the next rewards crate I'm no longer even attempting this battle, not worth my sanity.

    • xviw049jvgjq's avatar
      New Novice

      In some ways I think our guild is doing the same thing. The gap between the 22 and 67 million crates is huge. Our guild is around 33 million right now. It would take some serious effort from everyone in the guild to bulk up their teams to get close to 67. All the while the members that can hit for 1.5-2.5 million are busting their butts to reach their max and stressing themselves out. Unless CG increases the personal incentives, it makes me want to just push auto and get about 65-75% of what could do on manual. If the entire guild did that we would still be getting the 22 million crate and saving us time and sanity. Then maybe 2 months from now we could push hard and see if we can get the next crate.

      • DUNCAN1919's avatar
        Seasoned Traveler

        Good point, we are in a similar situation as a few of us can get 3-6m each and the rest can just do whatever to get the 22m rewards.

        I'm sure the gap is deliberate meaning to bridge that it needs more investment across the board, although arguably for our 380m guild getting 1m plus out of the other 45 guild members should be fairly easy but then we have the RNG element that can make this hard if you aren't prepared to retry, and I fully appreciate why many don't.

        Someone at CG has tuned this perfectly, its almost admirable.